bay leaf

  1. Morning Glory

    Recipe Bay infused chicken and bacon salad with oil free dressing

    I’ve often thought that fresh bay leaves were a rather underused herb. The way I’ve used them in the past is to add one or two leaves to a stew, soup or marinade or maybe to decorate the top of a pâté. Here I thought I’d bring their savoury yet floral taste to the fore. Luckily I have an...
  2. Ground Bay Leaves

    Ground Bay Leaves

    Ground Bay Leaves
  3. Herbie

    Bay leaves (European)

    What can I got with a MASSIVE bag of bay leaves (European)? A friend was with me in an Asian store as I looked for the Asian bay leaves Morning Glory introduced me to (thank you again Morning Glory). Friend then bought me a huge bag of the European bay leaves not knowing it was different. She is...
  4. Morning Glory

    Morecambe Bay Brown Shrimps

    Potted shrimps - not to be confused with the American 'shrimp' which in the UK are known as prawns. These are a different species - tiny, fiddly to shell and very delicious. In France they are known as crevettes gris. Morecambe Bay in Lancashire is particularly known for brown shrimps and they...
  5. Bay tree

    Bay tree

  6. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Recipe Sweet, Hot & Sour Mustard Sauce

    So, this mustard spice challenge.... I just had to make some of my own for a change. I have loads of different mustards in and around the place, from yellow mustard seeds to black/brown mustard seeds, to wholegrain mustard, to Coleman's mustard powder to Swedish mustard and back to French...
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