Bock is a strong lager (traditionally, and sometimes still, an ale, as in the case of at least some weizenbocks), of German origin. Several substyles exist, including:
Maibock (literally, the month of May bock), a paler, more hopped version generally made for consumption at spring festivals. Due to its lighter color, it is also referred to as helles bock, heller bock; from German helle, bright, light in color;
Doppelbock (literally, double bock), a stronger and maltier version;
Weizenbock (literally, wheat bock), a version using 40–60% wheat, and
Eisbock (literally, ice bock), a much stronger version made by partially freezing the beer and removing the ice that forms.Originally a dark beer, a modern bock can range from light copper to brown in colour. The style is very popular, with many examples brewed internationally.
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