
  1. M

    Help Identifying a Nut

    Hello, I somehow found myself in possession of what appears to be a nut, but have no idea what it is. At first I thought it might have been the pit of some citrus fruit, but now I am wholly unsure. I thought maybe one of you more experienced wielders of nuts could help me. I took the...
  2. The Late Night Gourmet

    Identity Theft

    It's all fun and games until someone loses their identity, right? It's not quite as bad as all that, but what's going on with me now isn't good. It seems that someone figured out my PayPal password, and has used it to transfer money from my PayPal credit. I say they figured out my password...
  3. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Can anyone identify this cherry?

    I have a number of cherry trees in the garden. they are not in the veg plot, but in an old area that was clearly fenced off in the past but is no longer. I had noticed that the chooks would visit the area several times a day and had also noticed that there were no fallen fruit on the ground...
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