
  1. CraigC


    They are part of the "nightshade" family, but are they closer related to tomatoes or gooseberries? Love making salsa with them.
  2. Tosssed Mixed Green Leaf Salad

    Tosssed Mixed Green Leaf Salad

    Tosssed Mixed Green Leaf Salad
  3. Tomato Tomatillo Vierge On Toast

    Tomato Tomatillo Vierge On Toast

    Tomato Tomatillo Vierge On Toast
  4. Layered Mixed Greens Salad In a Bowl

    Layered Mixed Greens Salad In a Bowl

    Layered Mixed Greens Salad In a Bowl
  5. Tomato Tomatillo Vierge On Toast with Spicy Hot Tomato Juice

    Tomato Tomatillo Vierge On Toast with Spicy Hot Tomato Juice

    Tomato Tomatillo Vierge On Toast with Spicy Hot Tomato Juice
  6. flyinglentris

    Recipe Tomato Tomatillo Sauce Vierge

    Tomato Tomatillo Vierge Ingredients: 1) Tomato, Roma - 2 2) Tomatillo - 2 medium sized 3) Garlic - 4 to 6 cloves 4) Olives - 6 to 8 5) Scallion - 1 6) Lemon juice - 2 tblspns. 7) Olive oil, extra virgin - 3 tblspns. 8) Chives - 20 9) Taragon - 1 tspn. 10) Chervil - 1 tspn. 11) Mustard...
  7. Tomato Tomatillo Vierge

    Tomato Tomatillo Vierge

    Tomato Tomatillo Vierge
  8. Sliced Tomatillo

    Sliced Tomatillo

    Sliced Tomatillo
  9. Green Tomatillos With Husks

    Green Tomatillos With Husks

    Green Tomatillos With Husks
  10. Green Tomatillo With Open Husk

    Green Tomatillo With Open Husk

    Green Tomatillo With Open Husk
  11. Green Tomatillos With Husks Removed And Cleaned

    Green Tomatillos With Husks Removed And Cleaned

    Green Tomatillos With Husks Removed And Cleaned
  12. The Late Night Gourmet

    Recipe Mole Negro

    CraigC posted this recipe nearly 2 years ago, and it took his wife picking dark chocolate for me to finally try to make it. As per usual when I make something, I didn't make it line-for-line the way Craig posted it, but I did take a lot of inspiration from it. As I looked at other mole recipes...
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