yellow split gram/mung beans/moong dal

  1. badjak

    Recipe Spring rolls

    Not sure where to post, but the spring roll casing is sort of a wrap, I think :scratchhead: As usual, my recipe has no fixed amounts. Its more the proportions that matter. For the dough, I roughly followed the method as described here Wonton, Siu Mai, and Cantonese Spring Roll Skins, except I...
  2. Ramana

    Recipe Masoor Malka Dal

    Masoor Dal malka is an Indian pulse that goes very well with main course. It is very easy to prepare and when one perfects the recipe they enjoy the preparation and can even modify the recipe according to their taste. This dal goes well with rice, butter naan and other breads. Masoor Malka...
  3. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Recipe Dal with five kinds of veg

    This is from The Dal Cookbook ( Author Krishna Dutta). It's one of only 2 books on my bookshelves that contain meat & fish recipes. The information regarding the recipe is that five is an auspicious number for the Hindus,with this recipe often cooked as temple food. The authentic vegetables are...
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