2024 US Memorial/UK Spring Break/Aus Reconciliation/Africa Day

Weight watcher potato salad? How is that possible?
A little bit of light mayonnaise (“preferably Duke’s”) and a whole lot of fat-free Greek yogurt! :laugh:

It’s actually quite good, as it’s got a good bit of mustard in it. If someone served me this, I wouldn’t think, “Oh, this is some kind of diet slop.” - and one serving (1/2 cup) is 2 points. That’s quite generous by WW standards.

That’s another way WW gets some things down to low points is through the minuscule serving sizes. For the fruit, all that counted was the yogurt, so she could have 1/2 cup for 4 points. That’s good, as some things I looked at, like chocolate-covered strawberries, the serving size was…wait for it…one strawberry:

“Oh, I sure hope you saved room for dessert!”
(Hands over one strawberry)

Canadian here - last weekend was the long weekend for us, and we call it Victoria Day (Queen Victoria’s birthday). Yes, we are celebrating a monarch who doesn’t even get a bank holiday in the UK. Us Canadians can be a bit odd - in actual practice, we celebrate it as the unofficial beginning of summer.
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