A bit of light relief


2 Mar 2017
Local time
8:07 PM
My father-in-law was a chef, and he said that one boring Tuesday afternoon they were playing football in the kitchen when one lad's clog came off
They searched & searched but it seemed to have disappeared; they found it a couple of days later when they cleaned out the stock pot.
My father-in-law was a chef, and he said that one boring Tuesday afternoon they were playing football in the kitchen when one lad's clog came off
They searched & searched but it seemed to have disappeared; they found it a couple of days later when they cleaned out the stock pot.
When they 'cleaned out' the stock-pot, you say... does that mean they had been using the stock with the shoe in it? :eek:
Some of the staff have a school dinner sometimes. Our school cook is a real treasure and all her meals are always popular, even though she has to follow the menu set by the local authority. There is an optional salad bar which is meant to be manned, however, today, one of my colleagues was eating her lunch in the staff room and discovered a piece of cucumber with teeth marks!!

We can applaud the fact that a child has been brave enough to try something but diplore the method of disposal!
There MUST be a whole load of foot related humour out there for such an occasion.

They should have poured out the remainder near a coop.

That way it would have been soul soup for the chicken.
Yesterday our outside cat decided to bite the lids of two water bottles.
My ex-mother-in-law used to do the cooking at a well-known Irish golf course in the 1970s. The first job of the day was to fish out any undesirable ingredients in the stock pot. Usually they were flies or other insects, but she had been known to fish out the occasional mouse. My mother used to tell even worse stories about the St Katharine's Dock hotel, where she worked in the 1920s, but it was a pub frequented by sailors who had been at sea for several months.....
In my teens I was taken to an Indian restaurant, for the first time, by a friend who had been there before. She ordered for me.

I was a bit careless in transferring the food from their stainless steel dishes onto my plate and some sauce went onto the tablecloth. So I seized - what I thought was - a dishcloth on a side plate (it was soft and grey).....it turned out to be the chapati! :oops:
In my teens I was taken to an Indian restaurant, for the first time, by a friend who had been there before. She ordered for me.

I was a bit careless in transferring the food from their stainless steel dishes onto my plate and some sauce went onto the tablecloth. So I seized - what I thought was - a dishcloth on a side plate (it was soft and grey).....it turned out to be the chapati! :oops:

They should have poured out the remainder near a coop.

That way it would have been soul soup for the chicken.

Oh, c'mon folks. No one ever heard of Chicken Soup for the Soul?

Soul soup for the chicken...

Soul soup.

Geez, I'm dyin' here. Tough crowd.

Are you sure you guys aren't German?
Oh, c'mon folks. No one ever heard of Chicken Soup for the Soul?

Soul soup for the chicken...

Soul soup.

Geez, I'm dyin' here. Tough crowd.

Are you sure you guys aren't German?
Read most of them.
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