Recipe A Hot Toddy


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
6:44 AM
SE Australia
Ideal for when you have a cold or just can't sleep.

1/2-1 fresh lemon, squeezed
1 measure of your preferred whisky
Hot (but not quite boiling) water
Honey, to taste

  • In a suitable sized glass (pint sized* if necessary, the more I'll you are the bigger it should be), add the juice of 1/2 a freshly squeezed lemon followed by a measure of your favoured whisky. (Use the juice of an an *entire lemon if using a larger glass)
  • Top up with near boiling water, leaving just enough room to add your preferred honey to sweeten to taste.
  • Stir well and enough wrapped up in front of a good sized open fire, for a decent night's sleep.
*Double in size to a pint sized glass of this isn't your first night without sleep or if you have a cold/flu.
What size measure for the whisky?

Smaller version I've used, and seen served at some pubs in Ireland use a smaller glass. Along with a slice of lemon on the surface.
What size measure for the whisky?
That depends on how much you really want! I tend to add about an inch to the bottom of the glass I use, it's what I know as a Jacobean Glass tumbler, but its a 200 or 250ml size and I can't find anything similar online. I've have had them a long time. that's for a standard 'measure' of our hot toddy.

Why did you add water? Just heat the whiskey. :wink::okay:
For the hot toddy, and this is a family hand me down recipe, we have always added hot water to the whisky and lemon juice (note whisky not whiskey, though there are one or two nice Irish Whiskies that I will consider, but I am a west coast Scotland whisky person having been brought up that way (being born on the west side of Scotland probably has a lot to do with it.)
That depends on how much you really want! I tend to add about an inch to the bottom of the glass I use, it's what I know as a Jacobean Glass tumbler, but its a 200 or 250ml size and I can't find anything similar online. I've have had them a long time. that's for a standard 'measure' of our hot toddy.

For the hot toddy, and this is a family hand me down recipe, we have always added hot water to the whisky and lemon juice (note whisky not whiskey, though there are one or two nice Irish Whiskies that I will consider, but I am a west coast Scotland whisky person having been brought up that way (being born on the west side of Scotland probably has a lot to do with it.)
We typically use Jack Daniels (a hot bourbon whiskey) from Lynchburg, Tennessee.
The Hot Toddy I grew up with used hot tea instead of water. In our family we know the formula as "regular" or "Auntie T style". My Aunt, rest her soul, wasn't much of a cook. However, if you had a cold you wanted her to make your hot toddy. Just be sure to be tucked into bed before you start sipping. :o_o: She was a bit heavy-handed with the liquor, be it whisky, Bourbon, Rock-and-Rye, or whatever we had on hand.
One of our lodgers used to make it with hot milk. There was a knack to making it with hot milk to ensure it didn't curdle. I never worked it out.
Another we have always had and is something that doesn't appeal when your not ill, is a hot Ribena (blackcurrant juice). There's something about it hot that make you feel so much better... In this household Ribena is actually only even drunk hot.
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