A mess would count as exciting but.. Katsu help please.


Senior Member
14 Jul 2018
Local time
5:30 PM
Hi people from the forum~! Perhaps you could help me out? I've been feeling rather depressed for a while now and after seeing a certain show thought it might be fun to make something ..that's the hope atleast. :)

Now though since I've always been a bit picky(trying to fix it, really supa am.), it would be nice to make something familiar.
What came to mind was chicken katsu that I got to try on a trip to uk a while back, so making that more exciting might be neat! Though their rice was a bit much for me..
What do you guys think of marinading the chicken? That's more like karaage, but since I've never tried one isn't sure. In that I think they use a mix of spices and potato starch, though if that's too exciting compared to just using crumbs of some sort please do let me know! Speaking of, did start making leaven a couple days ago. If it's about the process of making it might as well add making homemade bread(crumbs) on top ! Except everyone in the family is on a vacation so there's noone really here to try it.
If the meat is really savoury though it might be fun to go with sweet cookie crumbs instead since there is a big pack lying around.
Normally the sauce is a type of curry though, but maybe it would be okay to make something lighter? Still spicy, but.. um.. less intence? Lemon shenanigans? Might be best to leave open till last.
As for rice, in the show there was an apple flavoured version of rice made with juice and with the bits added later. In addition to that a while back saw pictures online of people making kung pao with nuts! How cool is that, using nuts in that kind of dishes? c:
So if is imagining this right, it would also need something fluffy in the rice, maybe prawn? or.. something?

This looks like a biig bunch of wierd ideas. If you could add any ideas or maybe tips? to someone who doesn't really know how to cook and has no taste palate it would be really nice. And here I am typing on a forum I've never seen before. Honestly just putting all of this down just felt nice, even if noone sees it and nothing comes of it. Thanks!
I would keep it simple - especially if you aren't an experienced cook. You could marinate the chicken before coating it in flour, eggs, breadcrumbs (in that order) but you might be better concentrating on the curry sauce. You mention lemon - how about a Thai style sauce which uses lime juice rather than lemon?
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