A "Welsh" Breakfast


RIP 21/01/2024
3 Oct 2016
Local time
12:47 PM
Back in '69 I started a new job in South Wales which involved 7 x 12+ hour days therefore actually having time to cook was out of the question. The job involved a lot of time "on the road" and one of my favourite stops for breakfast was a transport cafe just outside Abergavenny. Breakfast consisted of grilled cheese on toast with baked beans and eggs. I still prepare the dish to this day.

I can smell the baked bean sauce from here ... that is making me soooo hungry!! :eek: :laugh:

Oh, and the eggs have to be runny!! :cook:
I shall confirm the "runnyness" in the morning (the images are on my desktop). However, perhaps this will satisfy your hunger pangs for the time being?

I obviously didn't take a picture of the egg bleeding of that specific dish but here's one I made earlier:

I thought a Welsh breakfast contained laverbread and cockles fried in bacon fat
I have always known a egg sandwich as a egg banjo
An extremely messy "egg" burger...

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Definite thumbs up for those eggs. Provenance? To get eggs with yolk that dark in the UK you need a specialist producer, using traditional breeds such as Marans or Legbars. Even premium free range eggs from the supermarkets are pale and insipid by comparison.
The majority of our eggs are from ducks and obtained from a local(ish) village. I can only guess that the ducks are fed on left over rice and swamp grass.
Whenever I make egg burgers (although this one is a BLE) I ensure that the egg is bled before attempting to bite into it (thereby saving on laundry costs). However, this one just "exploded" upon applying a little pressure.


My wife was not impressed.

[There's a second egg on the plate]
Back in '69 I started a new job in South Wales which involved 7 x 12+ hour days therefore actually having time to cook was out of the question. The job involved a lot of time "on the road" and one of my favourite stops for breakfast was a transport cafe just outside Abergavenny. Breakfast consisted of grilled cheese on toast with baked beans and eggs. I still prepare the dish to this day.

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The only thing we used to do differently when working similar type of hours (10am-3pm & 6pm-12am 5 days a week and then just a 10am-6pm once with the next day off, was to put the cheese on top of the beans and brown the cheese off: beans 'n cheese on toast with egg . It was a firm favourite and when right up until I became allergic to dairy. Now it's beans 'n egg on toast!
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