Ahoy! New foodie from, well, all over the place


27 Dec 2014
Local time
3:11 AM
Hi! I'm soon to be twenty three, and I love food. Because I love food this much, I love *cooking* this much -- it is the perfect way to get exactly the tastes and the cooking textures I love, with all the diversity and funkiness I could hope for! I like to cook Asian, Creole (from Reunion island), and Indian, and all sorts of European foods. I make a mean Mexican Stew!

I also enjoy baking cupcakes and other cakes a lot. Anything that I like to eat, I like to cook. Really enjoy to taste new dishes and adapt my own! Since I started cooking, many years ago, I started developing a taste for a wide array of veggies and spices which I before did not care for. I'm looking forward to seeing what this forum has in stock! Pretty sure it'll be inspiring. :) And nice to meet y'all!
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