The Alphabet Game: Dishes using Za'atar

Definite lesson coming up... (and this is pretty much the best I can do for the letter i)

Illipe nut oil.

Illipe/Illupe nut
(Madhuca latifolia – Family Sapotaceae)
Illipe nuts come from a genus with about eighty-five members, including the mamey sapote and other delicious fruits. There are two crops of nuts per year, one large and the other smaller. Native to India, the tree produces a nut that is long, oval, and smooth, covering coffee-coloured seeds. The nut contains saponin, which has a destructive action on the blood. The oil extracted is similar to lard. Madhuca is certainly the most important genus as the fat produced from the seeds is often used to extend ghee and coconut butter.

False Illipe nut, Engkebang nuts
(Shorea macrophylla – Family Dipterocarpaceae)
The false illipe nut comes from another group of trees in a genus that has about 180 members, from Ceylon to Malaysia and south China. Many of them are valued for their timber. The species found in Malaysia and three others in Borneo supply the nuts often mistaken for the illipe nut, and thus its name. From these nuts comes a substitute for cocoa butter in the manufacture of chocolates
I was about to say:

Jojoba Oil - but then I looked it up:

Like olestra, jojoba oil is edible but non-caloric and non-digestible, meaning the oil will pass out of the intestines unchanged and can mimic steatorrhea - a health condition characterized by the inability to digest or absorb normal dietary fats. Thus, this indigestible oil is present in the stool but does not indicate an intestinal disease. If consumption of Jojoba oil is discontinued in a healthy person, the indigestible oil in the stool will disappear. Jojoba oil also contains approximately 12.1% of the fatty acid eruric acid that would appear to have toxic effects on the heart at high enough doses (were it digestible).

So not really advised to be edible I suppose.
Jackfruit seed oil:

Jackfruit seed oil is rich in Essential Fatty Acids
(EFA). EFA like linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid
cannot be synthesized by the body and must be obtained
from food.

Kaffir Lime Leaf Essential Oil - I think this could be a clue to solving some of the trickier ones: it seems that essential oils can be extracted from just about anything.
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Kaffir Lime Leaf Essential Oil - I think this could be a clue to solving some of the trickier ones: it seems that essential oils can be extracted from just about anything.

Essential oils are for the skin etc. Like the Jojoba above which I disqualified myself from posting. Is lime leaf oil available for consumption?
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