American - Boudin


10 Jan 2015
Local time
3:16 AM
Northeastern USA
Has anyone ever had boudin or know of a recipe?

It is a sausage filled with pork, rice, green peppers, and spices. It is so good! They also make them with seafood and other meats, but I haven't tried those. When I lived down South they sold Boudin in every supermarket, but up here I can't find anything like it.

Boudin to me has been lost in translation ,to me Boudin is boudin blanc or boudin noir but i am a French traditionalist when it comes to food,but the bulking agent in cajun seems to be rice,I make various boudins all the time with as i say artistic licence from shin of beef with pearl barley to confetti of duck with orange,wrapped in caul fat or streaky bacon or natural sausage skins
also le boudin is the slow march oft he foreign legion
Blood pudding..png

Sort of almost like blood pudding, which our mom used to eat!! :eek: :yuck:
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Well I tried to make a Louisiana style Boudin blanc tasting meatloaf... it didn't come out so well. I'm just not sure what spices they must use. I used rice, green peppers, onions, cajun seasoning, and pork. It tasted fine but not like Boudin! I must be missing something...
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