And on tonight's menu is?


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
11:51 AM
SE Australia
For us it is Colcannon (cál ceannann) which is an Irish dish.

Mashed potatoes (we keep the skins on)
shredded cabbage and kale very well cooked.
sliced leeks cooked in soya milk.
grated nutmed, salt & pepper.
Mix the whole lot together and serve - in our case usually with a runny egg....

Will do 2 nights evening meals... and is excellent reheated.
I've got a defrosted portion of leftover spinach and lentil curry, which will need a bit of perking up (I put too little tikka paste in the original batch), which I'll have with rice, and possibly a potato cake from the freezer, with mango chutney on the side.
I had a soup of beef rib stock and Chinese turnip followed by beef and veg stir fry and pan fried salmon with rice. Finished off with a mango.
Hang on, isn't that about three meals? :D

you ought to see what my OH actually had... the remaining aromatic vegetable pasty from the weekend, a serving of colcanon with a fried runny egg, and some cheddar cheese with it (he's OK with dairy, just not me) and 2 dairy free chocolate chip scones. He had cycled to work 22miles round trip and at 9pm announced he was hiungry and raided the dried apricots and then the fruit bowl...

I will need help tonight - out of pasties, out of scones and he had cycled to work for the 2nd day in a row (normally only does twice a week)...:eek:
Sausages, pasta and pesto tonight. Lazy but scrummy. :hungry:
Fish and chips with baked beans and garlic mushrooms tonight.

We don't seem to be having a healthy week so far.

Tasty though :D
i am a chef and run a restaurant,last night i produced over 90 covers of good food with my small team today is a come down for me
i have had a reduced price cheese sandwich supplied by my son whilst i was at rugby,i have had a ride this afternoon and looks like chicken tonight with roasted butternut squash compliments of the over half
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