Any Christmas dinner disasters to report?

16 Oct 2012
Local time
3:18 AM
I didn't exactly have a disaster, it was more of an oversight, but as I was serving up beef, turkey and pork, with five vegetables, roast potatoes and sweet potato mash, it's perhaps understandable. Everything was in the food heaters, ready to go on the table, when I realised I hadn't done the Yorkshire Pudding to go with the beef. I'd completely forgotten about it - I hadn't even made the mixture, so we had to do without. Still, everything was wonderful, and it was all perfectly cooked, so no real worries.

Did you have any Christmas dinner disasters, or did it all go according to plan?
The last Xmas day I was off was a disaster!
It was 13 years ago I was in towns Xmas eve post work drinks,totally wasted the phone goes,it's the wife 7 months pregnant saying the cats had eaten the top of the crowns off the turkey,damm ! so carried on drinking got a taxi home at about 1 am Xmas day ,then stirred at 6 ish to the wife saying the turkey was no good as dirty cat toxins would effect her and every one,so I had to go and get one
So Xmas day no turkey ,made a few calls a found a butcher was in and had one 9 miles away ,got the bird at a trade price so all ended well,but was close,since then I am happy to do Xmas lunch a day early ,as I work on Xmas day!
having cycled over to my mum & step father's (2 hours each way) they served christmas lunch. they had cooked some of the veg seperately so the carrots and sprouts were not coated in butter. the roast potatoes & roast parsnips had been done in olive oil so I was safe with those and we took our veggie dairy free sausages with us... then cycled home... as we were leaving I overheard my step-father say in jest to my mother, "not bloody inviting them again, they eat us out of house and home". We had eaten all the veg going back for 2nds. what my mother had not indicated was that they had planned to have some of those roast potatoes cold with their evening meal!:hungry:
having cycled over to my mum & step father's (2 hours each way) they served christmas lunch. they had cooked some of the veg seperately so the carrots and sprouts were not coated in butter. the roast potatoes & roast parsnips had been done in olive oil so I was safe with those and we took our veggie dairy free sausages with us... then cycled home... as we were leaving I overheard my step-father say in jest to my mother, "not bloody inviting them again, they eat us out of house and home". We had eaten all the veg going back for 2nds. what my mother had not indicated was that they had planned to have some of those roast potatoes cold with their evening meal!:hungry:

We ate all the veg on Xmas day. We went out on Boxing Day and bought more for 'leftovers'!
The last Xmas day I was off was a disaster!
It was 13 years ago I was in towns Xmas eve post work drinks,totally wasted the phone goes,it's the wife 7 months pregnant saying the cats had eaten the top of the crowns off the turkey,damm ! so carried on drinking got a taxi home at about 1 am Xmas day ,then stirred at 6 ish to the wife saying the turkey was no good as dirty cat toxins would effect her and every one,so I had to go and get one
So Xmas day no turkey ,made a few calls a found a butcher was in and had one 9 miles away ,got the bird at a trade price so all ended well,but was close,since then I am happy to do Xmas lunch a day early ,as I work on Xmas day!

Back in 1993, recently married and having our first Christmas dinner party with many friends invited, I found on Christmas morning that the turkey I had left in a sink full of water to defrost was being attacked.
One of our cats, Orange, was balanced across the sink and eating the turkey out of a hole he had chewed in the plastic wrapper.

I figured that as it was the turkey's back I could just cook it as was and no one would notice.
I was right....:whistling:
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