Any good recipes for whiskey on roasted vegetables?


Senior Member
13 Jan 2019
Local time
10:05 AM
Southern Nevada
I looked around online for some recipes with Crown Royal but found nothing but BBQ sauces. What about something for roasted brussles with potatoes?
I'm a fan of using alcohol in vegetable cooking - so often its reserved for meat dishes only. But I can't say I've got any thoughts right now about whiskey with potatoes and sprouts. Give me time and I will probably think of something.

Have you got lots of Crown Royal to use up, perhaps? :happy:
Not roasted veges, but I make either glazed carrots or sweet potatoes with dark rum.
I looked around online for some recipes with Crown Royal but found nothing but BBQ sauces. What about something for roasted brussles with potatoes?
A splash of whiskey over roast potatoes near the end of the cooking process would probably work, but I can't begin to imagine what they would taste like. Jamie Oliver does something similar, but uses vinegar instead.
As Burns Night approaches it's a good excuse to knock up a nice whiskey sauce to go with the tatties, neaps and haggis.
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