Any ideas for kitchen activities for toddlers?


16 Mar 2016
Local time
3:37 PM
Hi everyone!

My son is 19 months old and he absolutely loves spending time in the kitchen with me. And by "spending time" I mean cooking. He loves it too much, actually! He throws a fit every time I don't let him stir the pancake batter, cut the carrots, knead the dough or make meatballs, for example. And it gets worse if I allow him to do those things, because he doesn't want to stop. I want to cook the dish, but he just won't let go. It's a big drama...

I really want to get him involved in the kitchen and I'm trying to think about what he can do. Up until now I've only given him dough to knead, but that doesn't seem to interest him much.

I guess this may sound a bit crazy, but do you have any ideas for real things he can do with me in the kitchen? He wants the real deal, not play-dough options:/ I will be really thankful for any suggestions!
Hi there. I honestly was not sure how to respond to this as I get a little nervous when I have seen toddlers too close to the kitchen although most I have seen have been playing in the kitchen. I think that should be discouraged as it can be very dangerous. It seems to me you are off to a good start although the carrot cutting would maybe make me a little nervous unless I am the one hovering over him and handling the knife. I like the idea of him passing me things, rolling things, mixing things etc. Have a read of this article I found.
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I definitely wouldn't let him cut the carrots because he could get hurt but all the other things that he is doing are fine. I like the idea of letting him add you things or he can pour in the ingredients once you measure them out. It is great that he is showing so much interest for cooking at much a young age.
Well this little guy you have there may certainly make a good chef later on in life. That may well be his calling. I also think it is great that he is showing so much interest now, since he will be a great asset to you in the kitchen later on when he gets more experienced at it. I like the idea of him handing you things and also helping to mix batter. However, I would discourage him from having anything to do with handling a knife at this early stage. Even adults have to be careful when dealing with knives.
Can you have some extra food or ingredients out for him to cook with so yours can go in the oven on time. Or, have something else lined up ready for him to do, when it's time to cook the dish.
Wow! I am sorry folks, but there is no need to fear every activity that children participate in! Teaching them to be responsible and safe is a good thing. If you do not let them do anything they will never learn. With that said, mine usually start learning to use a knife at 5 or 6, with supervision. We live on a farm, so all our children carry a pocket knife from that age after they show they can be responsible with knives in the kitchen.

My youngest is around that age. Her favorite thing to do is 'wash dishes'. That means pour dishwater in and out of cups and pans and make a big mess :D I let her cut butter with a butter knife. She loves to pour and put things in and out of containers. Rice, grapes, veggies, water at the sink, etc. She doesn't care or realize she is not actually helping me cook, she just wants to be in the room and participate. I also have lower cabinets that she can play in. The pot cabinet is fun. Another cabinet has containers and lids. I also have a low, safe utensil drawer she plays in.
Thank you so much, to all of you! You've given me some nice ideas to think about. @Momma9 My son also loves to pour things in and out of containers. I will try to incorporate that activity in the cooking process.
Of course, I don't let him use any kind of knives yet, but he wants that so bad! He's already familiar with forks and spoons and he desperately wants to try knives as well. I like the ideas of cutting butter with a butter knife. Oh, he will love that so much!:)

@Kake Lover That's what I was thinking about doing. I always try to cook as fast as possible and that's why up until now I've never spent the extra time to prepare ingredients for him... I should probably change my approach...

@winterybella Thank you for the article! I loved it so much! I will try some of the ideas there right now:)
Thank you for the article! I loved it so much! I will try some of the ideas there right now:)

I found the article very interesting myself. I just found it about 22 years too late. At nearly 24 I would be thrilled if my son created a mess cooking me a meal. I guess I am to blame for the distance he's developed where the kitchen is concerned.
Wow! I am sorry folks, but there is no need to fear every activity that children participate in!
+1 for that [but you MUST be vigilant at such an early age]. Further I would suggest anything messy - they love it - although you do have to be ready to clean up afterwards.
Hey, everyone! I just wanted to let you know that I gave some of your ideas a try today and my son had a blast!:) He poured the ingredients for bread in the bread machine, he played with some macaroni (putting them from one container into another) while I washed the dishes, he stirred hazelnuts for homemade Nutella, and he even tried to clean the counter (after he spilled some good amount of sugar on top of it). :) I also allowed him to put the carrots and cucumbers we had bought from the store into the fridge (oh, how he loved that! a bit too much, I should say:) )
Thank you so much for your friendly support and suggestions!
Hi everyone!

My son is 19 months old and he absolutely loves spending time in the kitchen with me. And by "spending time" I mean cooking. He loves it too much, actually! He throws a fit every time I don't let him stir the pancake batter, cut the carrots, knead the dough or make meatballs, for example. And it gets worse if I allow him to do those things, because he doesn't want to stop. I want to cook the dish, but he just won't let go. It's a big drama...

I really want to get him involved in the kitchen and I'm trying to think about what he can do. Up until now I've only given him dough to knead, but that doesn't seem to interest him much.

I guess this may sound a bit crazy, but do you have any ideas for real things he can do with me in the kitchen? He wants the real deal, not play-dough options:/ I will be really thankful for any suggestions!

Wow, you may have the next Bobby Flay in your home! :woot: What I use to do with my kids when they were young, is to give them a separate bowl that contain the dough. That worked for me because I could continue to cook and allow them to have fun with the food. I would also buy some toys from the store that helps them to learn about food. These days they have so many fun toys that they can play with. It should be fun because these items will be his to use and he won't have to worry about you taking it away to use for your cooking. :stop:
Wow! Sounds like you got yourself a budding chef! measuring is a great tool to start with and helps them to learn the Math is important outside of school too. also (not old enough yet) but reading the recipes out loud can help. if making a pie; give him a small pie pan (individual size) and enough dough to make a crust, Rolling pin, and a little flour, show him how to roll it out and put it into the pan. then let him set it on the baking sheet to be baked or fill it. then you put it in the oven and let him set the timer. then he has to watch the timer (as you tell him cause you;re too busy) that would help mommy a lot! just little things. also I make tortilla pizzas, I will post the recipe. he could top his own and then you bake. etc.

Tortilla pizza Recipe


Servings: 2
  • 2 flour tortillas
  • 1 ½ cups chopped or shredded chicken or other meat
  • 3 tablespoons to 1/8 cup barbecue sauce
  • 2/3 cup chopped tomato, or bell pepper or what ever veggie you like (if using)
  • 2 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • Sliced jalapenos, fresh diced or sliced tomatoes, optional

  1. Using a baking sheet with a cake cooling rack on top. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
  2. Place tortillas on cooling rack place over baking sheet. Top with sauce, cheese, meat, then veggies, if using.
  3. Bake it until the cheese is melted and the tortilla is crispy and browned on the edges, about 15 to 20 minutes.
  • I like to use my home made barbecue sauce. Have fun with this recipe, use pizza sauce and pepperoni, or brown some ground turkey with taco seasoning. In place of pizza sauce use taco sauce. After removing from oven add shredded lettuce and maybe green chiles, diced tomatoes and picante sauce, some sour cream and make a taco pizza. A pizza stone is wonderful for these too
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