Anyone know a good healthy pineapple upside down cake recipe?


10 Sep 2013
Local time
8:26 PM
I want to make a good pineapple upside down cake for my mom for Christmas but I don't know a good healthy recipe. It has to be sugar free becayse my mom can't have sugar. Any ideas?
Can she eat alternative types of sweeteners like blue agave or brown rice syrup? Stevia? Vegan brown sugar? I haven't come across many sugar-free recipes for pineapple upside down cake. Both all of those forms of sugar are at least healthier alternatives. I found a recipe that at least offers some alternatives to sugar:
That looks good. My mom can have artificial sweeteners so I will be able to make this recipe. I like all the different alternatives in this recipe as well because I want to make something that is good and good for her. Thanks
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