Are Jerusalem Artichokes available near you?


10 Jan 2015
Local time
1:22 PM
Northeastern USA
My market only carries these once in a while and they are always very expensive. I absolutely love them, they have such a refreshing, nutty flavor.

They do have a bad reputation for "digestion" issues, but I think if your body is used to large quantities of vegetables then you might not be as affected.

Are these available anywhere near you?
I did read about Jerusalem artichokes recently and I would love to give them a try. If I had some outdoor space I would definitely plant them. I don't think there is any chance that I could find some growing where I could forage them, and I don't want to purchase any if they are expensive.
We took these artichokes out of our garden it grows like a weed and can take over,it is grown in strips in my area as a cover of pheasants ,as a winter veg it has a good length season and in the UK is reasonably priced
Great for roasting,soups and purrees ,
I don't know that I have ever seen them at the market, but I know someone who grows them and I want to give it a try myself. I've had sunchoke puree in one of my favorite restaurants before and it's delicious! I'm told they are very easy to grow and the next time my friend is giving some away I'm going to be first in line!
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