Bacon and its various uses

I prefer... (select all that apply)

  • raw bacon cooked in a pan

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • raw bacon cooked in the microwave

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • pre-cooked bacon

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • bacon bits

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • "healthy" bacon, such as turkey

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters


26 Nov 2013
Local time
3:39 AM
Central PS
Who doesn't love bacon?

You can use bacon in a variety of things, such as BLT sandwiches, salads, scallop potatoes, baked beans, etc.

I personally like raw bacon cooked. I hate the pre-cooked bacon, or even bacon bits.

What do you prefer-- (take the poll!)

What foods do you add bacon to to enhance the flavor or texture?
I love bacon, cooked under the grill. That is the best thing because then it goes all crispy and tastes beautiful. I love making BLT's, with lots of pepper sprinkled over the top. I didn't know you could cook bacon in the microwave though!

I think the only meals I have bacon with are BLT's and of course, a full english breakfast on a sunday :P
I think the only real way to have bacon is to buy it raw and then cook it on a pan. I don't do this very often though because a) bacon is really expensive in here and b) not that healthy. In here we have this thing which is pretty much the same thing as bacon but it's comes in tiny cubes. So I buy that, cook them on a pan, drain out the fat and then chuck in a couple of eggs. Amazing omelette done in a few minutes.
I think the only real way to have bacon is to buy it raw and then cook it on a pan. I don't do this very often though because a) bacon is really expensive in here and b) not that healthy. In here we have this thing which is pretty much the same thing as bacon but it's comes in tiny cubes. So I buy that, cook them on a pan, drain out the fat and then chuck in a couple of eggs. Amazing omelette done in a few minutes.

Are the cubes you use pancetta? Bacon isn't very expensive in the UK and I know it's bad for you, but I just love it all crispy on a BLT. It makes a great treat. Haven't thought about using it in an omelette though. I have used ham so that is quite similar and I love ham but I think I will have to give this a go soon :P
Thank you for the idea
My very favorite of the list in the poll is raw bacon cooked in a pan, and my less favorite is the "healthy" turkey version.

I love bacon well fried, or slightly cooked. I don't care that much about the fat intake because I try to stay fit and compensate the extra fat ingestion by reducing calories in other foods, or devoting a day of the week for a only-fruits diet.
Are the cubes you use pancetta? Bacon isn't very expensive in the UK and I know it's bad for you, but I just love it all crispy on a BLT. It makes a great treat. Haven't thought about using it in an omelette though. I have used ham so that is quite similar and I love ham but I think I will have to give this a go soon :P
Thank you for the idea

Nah the cubes are what the frenchies call a lardon. However if you google it, they will tell you it's just fat. Whereas the ones I buy are mostly meat but there is certainly quite a lot of fat in them too. I too have used ham in an omelette but I find these lardon things taste a lot better, though I have to use less of them since they are quite salty.
I like bacon in general, but I am not really into the whole "bacon in everything!" craze. In most cases, I feel like throwing bacon in a recipe is more like gilding the lilly. It often overpowers the other flavors and/or sticks out like a sore thumb. For example, a mac & cheese. If bacon is added to it, the smokey flavors compete too much with the flavors of the cheeses. I also saw people making bacon wrapped turkeys for Thanksgiving yesterday, and wasn't really impressed. I love the flavor of turkey, and would hate for it to taste like a mouthful of bacon.
I love bacon and usually incorporate it into certain meals. Like bacon chicken alfredo :) I think it is amazing! I even like to add bacon to a baked mac and cheese with a little of fresh tomato !
Bacon is really delicious especially when it is crispy and you will eat it together with fried egg and fired garlic rice at breakfast with hot chocolate or coffee. Also crispy bacon is a great toppings for carbonara pasta which I also love. However even though it is very interesting to eat we rarely eat it at home and only occasionally just to satisfy our cravings for it because we all know that it is not a healthy food.
Bacon is the vegetarians nemesis... I've had two sons brought almost sobbing back from their principles by the bacon butty... The usual suspect!
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