Bacon Wrapped Dates

Reverend Jimmy

31 Dec 2013
Local time
11:46 PM
My friends, we are living in the days of the Bacon Renaissance. One of the many improvements in bacon technology that this unparalleled period of baconic advancement is the bacon-wrapped date.

I must say, as a preface, that I do not ordinarily favor dates.

Here is the procedure: Preheat the oven to about 375. Take your dates (dried and pitted) and around each one wrap a single slice of bacon. Do this until you run out of dates, bacon or both (preferably dates). Then put them on a sheet (ideally with a grill and a raised edge, both to assist with grease issues) and bake them.

Now, how long you cook it for is basically a matter of taste, depending on how crispy you want it. As a rule of thumb, after about 20 minutes, pull it out and use tongs to flip your bacon-wrapped dates. Maybe do it again a few times for more of an even cook as you go. If you want a little crispy and a little meaty mixed together, rotate less. If you rotate more, keep changing what side is down.

You'll want from 15 to 40 more minutes in the oven after that first flip, depending on how you want them to come out. The first couple of times you make these, keep a close eye and judge when to pull them, make note, and remember for future batches. You can also adjust the heat you use.

Other variants: Stick an almond in the middle if you want extra crunch. If you're feeling really sassy (and your local butcher shop has it), use black pepper bacon and brush lightly with maple syrup.

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