Bbq be aware.


Forum GOD!
18 Mar 2018
Local time
8:01 PM
Christchurch New Zealand
So yesterday was the first chance our friends have been together this year. So I prepped the bbq the day prior . All clean so I put cleaning tools with plastic handles in the bbq but on the top warming shelf. So wayne was the bbq guy. I gave him the lighter so he lit it and closed the lid to warm it up. Well next minute flames were leaping towards the garage roof.. quick thinking by dave as he turned the gas off and moved bbq away from the garage. It took ages for that plastic to burn down. Then another hour cleaning it. We are at 9.30. We all laughed about it afterwards but it could have been so more serious.
THINK while bbq ing.

So yesterday was the first chance our friends have been together this year. So I prepped the bbq the day prior . All clean so I put cleaning tools with plastic handles in the bbq but on the top warming shelf. So wayne was the bbq guy. I gave him the lighter so he lit it and closed the lid to warm it up. Well next minute flames were leaping towards the garage roof.. quick thinking by dave as he turned the gas off and moved bbq away from the garage. It took ages for that plastic to burn down. Then another hour cleaning it. We are at 9.30. We all laughed about it afterwards but it could have been so more serious.
THINK while bbq ing.

I bet that stunk! How did he not see the tools? Best he not drink too much alcohol before BBQ I think?
I bet that stunk! How did he not see the tools? Best he not drink too much alcohol before BBQ I think?

The funniest thing was the ladies were all sitting back rolling in laughter pete opened the lid to make it worse . Guess what pete works at nz customs and hes a fire warden there. It wasn't funny at the time..

My Sister use to do that with the stovetop and oven in my parents house.
She'd turn on a knob, not really thinking too much, nor paying attention.
Lite her own birthday cake a blaze that was sitting on top of a stove top burner
A big box of doughnuts in the oven smelled kinda nice as they burned to charcoal ... she even set the side-by-side refrigerator a light :eek:
I always look all around anything hot prior to igniting it!
That's why my BBQ is just charcoal. Whole lot messier, but there you go.
I burned down (or would it be up?) a charcoal bbq once, in England, at the office.

I’d lit it and walked away, out in this inner courtyard area of the building, up in flames it went, and the 150yo secretary, in her best, politiest, Britishiest way, came and found me and said, “Oh excuse me, dear Sergeant Tasty, but there seems to be a slight…problem with your barbecue…” - and when I stepped outside, I found a tower of flames about 15 feet high. :laugh:
How's that for understatement :)
And how did you manage to do that anyway?
I use charcoal or wood. Since you physically need to light it, you'll see if anything is lying on the grids
How's that for understatement :)
And how did you manage to do that anyway?
I use charcoal or wood. Since you physically need to light it, you'll see if anything is lying on the grids
I have no idea, I probably doused it with way too much lighter fluid. There was nothing inside the grill except charcoal.

Once we got the fire out, we could see the bright red paint, what was left of it, was blackened and blistered, like alligator skin, and it was buckled, the lid wouldn’t close, the handle had burnt away…it was a mess.

Since it was my personal grill I’d brought in, they wouldn’t let me throw it away there, so I had to haul it back home, and then the trash guys…excuse me, the dustmen…refused to take it away with the weekly pickup, so I set it to the side in the back garden to deal with on another day.

Several months later, when it came time to move on, the movers came to pack up the house, and one of them started to pack it up, and I told him not to pack that, it was garbage, which I thought was obvious, and then he asked if he could have it to fix up, so…problem solved!

I also gave him our gas-powered push lawn mower - we had quite a large back garden in our first house, and our second house had a very long skinny one, and came with a monthly gardener visit, so I really didn’t need it. The mover was tickled with that.
I have no idea, I probably doused it with way too much lighter fluid.
There's the key. NEVER use lighter fluid. Firstly, it's highly volatile (well you know that) but more important, it can affect the flavour of the food. Better to use cheap scotch :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
My kids taught me the best trick . Soak a napkin or paper towel in (old) cooking oil.Place it in the middle of the BBQ, then make a little pyramid of charcoal around it. Set it on fire, and once it's alight, add a little more charcoal, bit by bit.
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