Breakfast... Cook, Skip, or Open a Box?


10 Sep 2013
Local time
2:23 AM
I've always been a breakfast person and while I don't have a problem skipping lunch, I find that I can't do that with breakfast. My favorites involve actually cooking the meal... things like pancakes, eggs, biscuits, etc.

But then there are also those days when opening a box of cereal is the best choice. :hungry:

Do you eat... or skip breakfast? And if you skip, is there a blood sugar tank mid-morning making you feel horrible and sick? That's the main reason I don't skip the meal.
Generally it's a cereal breakfast for me. Shredded Wheat is the one I usually go for as it's not packed with sugar and salt like a lot of cereals. Porridge is another favourite but I don't have it nearly as often due to the extra preparation time.

I do like a bacon, sausage and egg breakfast, but that tends to be a rare treat.:hungry:
Breakfast is by far my favorite meal of the day and something I always make time for. It really doesn't take that long to make at all really, so I never understood people who are bolting out the door and only have seconds to grab something or nothing at all. I make eggs almost every single morning, usually just scrambled but I will occasionally spruce them up with fresh spinach, feta, and other stuff. I also really love home fries, will usually keep a batch of parboiled potatoes in the fridge at all times to make them on the fly.
Breakfast is by far my favorite meal of the day and something I always make time for. It really doesn't take that long to make at all really, so I never understood people who are bolting out the door and only have seconds to grab something or nothing at all. I make eggs almost every single morning, usually just scrambled but I will occasionally spruce them up with fresh spinach, feta, and other stuff. I also really love home fries, will usually keep a batch of parboiled potatoes in the fridge at all times to make them on the fly.

Sounds like my kind of breakfast, OhioTom76! I try to limit eggs to a time or two a week, but it's among my favorite breakfasts. Home fries are great, too... but I rarely have them. I've had trouble with potatoes getting "waterlogged" and yukky if I do them ahead of time.

How do you keep those parboiled potatoes perfect to use for morning homefries? I guess more specifically, how do you store them in the fridge after they're boiled?
On my own I tend to just do coffee and a piece of toast.

But I do enjoy a nice Sunday brunch, or making a nice stack of pancakes for friends.
It takes me little while after waking for my body to feel comfortable processing food. Being made to eat breakfast too early will upset my stomach and ruin the day for me.

I used to not eat breakfast when I had to get to go to work early. I'd take a sandwich to have after I have got into work when I am more able to eat.
Now, as I don't have to 'go' to a job (I work from home) I will have a couple of slices of toast, or a fried egg sandwich, or some porridge when it suites me. I sometimes have cereals but not too often. Occasionally I will have a full fried English/Scottish breakfast but not too often.
I tend to have a couple of rounds of bread and jam, peppermint tea, cranberry juice and a glass of water unless I am cycling more than 20 miles that day. Then I will add something extra like cereal with oatly or porridge made with soya milk, but normally it is just bread & homemade jam (shop bought tends to be too sweet for me).
I try to eat bread with ham, cheese and some vegetables. And add some coffee and/or orange juice.

I also cook sometimes but that's quite rare.
I hardly ever eat breakfast at all. If I do, I tend to have fruit and yogurt, or maybe toast with tomato paste, which is a typical Spanish breakfast. It's just grated tomato with a dash of olive oil and some black pepper, and it's wonderful! The only time I ever do breakfast every day is when I'm on holiday, then I'll go for the works, and I'll usually be so full I miss lunch.
I tend to eat pancakes for breakfast but lately I have been eating cereal or some fruit and oatmeal. I have been trying to eat more healthier foods for breakfast mainly because I want to improve my health. I have started staying away from food with too much sugar in it and have been looking at more bran and fiber for breakfast.
Mostly for me it's toast, with jam or honey (home made jam at the moment!). Sometimes I do porridge in the winter, but toast is quicker and I can do it semi-conscious!
lol I sometimes eat toast for breakfast too. Mainly when my stomach is upset and I need to settle it down. Then when u am feeling better I will fix me somthing else to eat. My sister has strawberry smoothies for her breakfast mainly because she doesn't have time to cook in the mornings.
I tend to skip breakfast a lot. If I don't skip it then I'll eat something really simple like a banana or oatmeal. I've never been a morning person so I am never in the mood to eat. I will drink coffee each morning though. If someone else did the cooking then I'd surely eat breakfast on most days.
I have a friend who never eats breakfast and I asked her why and she said it was because she couldn't hold food down in the mornings. I thought that was weird so I suggested she try smoothies and see how that works. She said she would try it but she never let me know how it turned out.
I have a friend who never eats breakfast and I asked her why and she said it was because she couldn't hold food down in the mornings. I thought that was weird so I suggested she try smoothies and see how that works. She said she would try it but she never let me know how it turned out.

I used to be/can still be the same way, unless I ate/eat before something like 6:30am I could/can not keep breakfast down. (Its much less of a problem nowadays.) I still struggle with cereals and porridge if not eaten early enough which is why I just have bread and jam now when at home. For some reason, that is OK, but not cereal or other breakfast foods. I did eat smoothies for breakfast for many years, (homemade ones), but found no real difference there either.
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