BST to GMT: how does it affect your meals?


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
10:03 PM
SE Australia
I was curious is anyone else (in the UK) has the same issues as me when it comes to changing of the clocks?

I'm not good if I miss meals at the best of times (medical reasons) and suddenly 6pm has become 5pm and I'm expect to wait another hour before I can eat again.... The waiting an hour comes from the time my OH gets home from work: strangely they won't release him from work an hour early!

How does it affect you and what do you do about it?
Never really affected me. Eating times, at times, has been regulated by medication.
Transition can start the week before, with smaller moves being made rather than one large one.
It's a waste of time anyhow [and yes I do live in the north] The world has moved on from when it was useful. The lighter mornings only last for a short while and the dark evenings just cancel it out. Scrap the whole idea and let's just get on with it.
The different times don't effect me. Im healthy and not on any medication, so I can eat what I want when I want. However it must be difficult for anyone who is on medication. I have to admit I've never thought of things like that. My sympathies go to anyone who has this problem. Sorry I can't offer any help :hug:
Meds are a pain in the backside... although mine are meant to control the pain...
I have to wake at 6:30am every day of the week no matter what to take them. Some are three times a day, 8 hours a part. Others are twice a day 12 hours apart and these ones being morphine on a time release capsule can't really be changed that easily without missing out on the oral morphine which supplements them. The biggest problem I have is that if I take them on an empty stomach I am left feeling sick, so I have to get up and take them with food no matter what the day of the week or how tired I am. So no lie ins for me at all sadly.

Going the other way is a touch easier because breakfast becomes later not earlier .... Mind you there was a very confused dog waiting for me last night complaining bitterly that we were an hour late taking him for a walk! He had sat on our doorstep waiting for us and the moment we stepped outside was hyper and howling to the point that his owner came out to check he was OK! She quickly realised that he was simply hyper and complaining we were late and made the comment about him not knowing about daylight saving changes! The fun I have to look forward to when we get our own dog.
Blimey SNSSO thats a hell of a regime your on. Im exhausted just reading that.
Blimey SNSSO thats a hell of a regime your on. Im exhausted just reading that.
that's not half of it. There are the replacement steroids I have to take 3 times a day at a set time. Be late with it and well you won't sleep, plus my asthma meds, a nebiluser.... you get used to it, but I have had to program the phone to remind me becase I keep forgetting!
We sometimes observe daylight saving time here when I was younger. From what I remember, we would be eating earlier since the time is advanced by 1 hour. It's not much of an issue because I was younger during those years. But if that would happen now, I guess I would have to adjust with the time difference because I wake up at 4am to leave our house before 5am to avoid the traffic. So you can guess what time I take my breakfast. And it's not easy to cook at those early morning hours.
Although it's a British conversation I wanted to add that we tried daylight saving time many years ago for a year or two and then dropped it. Caribbean girl can help me out with specifics. When I was playing my paddle tennis consistently I welcomed it but it never affected my eating habits which were and to some extend still are quite poor.

Sat has quite a regimen.
I've been away away for a couple of weeks getting up early and late ,out side in the fresh air all day and eating when hungry ,I've got to get back in the swing of work again and that hour never helps
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