Budget suppers and leftover lunches

16 Oct 2012
Local time
6:50 AM
We're all looking for ways to save money on food, especially in the aftermath of Christmas. This blog post from BBC Good Good has some great ideas for stretching your meals to make more than one. I particularly like the ideas with chicken, and the spiced vegetable pilaff. What about you? Anything catch your eye?
we enjoy a good olde bubble & squeak with left over meat , so a complete use up the left over bits and bobs
sort of frittata thingy. Stir fry veggies, left over veg is ok in a large pan, add whisked eggs, (allow 1 per person) grated cheese on top cook for a minuet, then put in the oven or under the grill for about 5 minutes, YUM:)
left over risotto rice squeeze into a ball flour egg and bread crumb and deep fry,like a croquette you can also add chorizo and cheeses such as goats cheese to your initial mix,have done the same with pilaff left overs
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