Business Thought


Well-Known Member
25 Apr 2021
Local time
6:46 AM
North Ohio
Originally I had an idea for a bar and restaurant, we pick them up and drop them off, for a sall fee of course. But they can drink beyond the legal limit and not get a ticket. They are bad in this state, and they stake out some places that serve liquor. On the other hand liquor licenses are dirt cheap.

With Covid that is a stupid idea. But what isn't is a moving target.

An elaboration on the sandwich trucks that used to go to the parking lots of factories etc. and sell them lunch. But to get a little more elaborate.

Something like that either be licensed where you open up or get into a less conspicuous spot... I even have a white construction hat, which means I can go anywhere I want on a construction site. So the rest of my guys lost theirs, whaddya want ?

Anyhow, sell lunch to like 300 guys, make sure to make a buck or a bit more on each (don't forget labor costs) and then enjoy the dough. (so to speak)

And everything I do I try to have an edge. What edge could a truck like that have ? Over the other trucks ? Well grilled steaks, lasagna, a couple of different soups, decent salad that is more than just lettuce and tomato, all kinds of things a normal restaurant woud have. Maybe not everything but more than others. a good pizza would help, baked right there, and available by the slice.

Is this just another stupid idea ?

There are a lot of good ideas..the challenge comes in the execution...Quality. Consistency. Service..Every day.Every week. It becomes a life style..not a job you can go home and forget about..takes a certain type of person who wants that..Most people don't, or realize they don't after a while...There is a level of sacrifice and dedication required that many jobs don't demand...some people call that "being crazy".
I'm completing an on line food handler's safety certificate as we old one expired..We rarely eat dinner without talking about work..the calculater is always on the table and we constantly break down items or compare prices while eating or having coffee before and after of us, or both of us are always waiting for an answer from somebody about a catering job, quotes, food reps, equipment maintanance, employees covering shifts, having to jump in the car at 10 O'clock in the evening and drive somewhere to buy some food item because you just found out you aren't getting it tomorrow, etc..I've brought home 40 lbs of beef to cook in my home oven because I was exhausted and we needed cooked beef the next moring , or gotten out of bed and drove 20 minutes in my pyjamas to the deli because I was certain I left the grill on......It never ends.And, that's the good part....and the more successful you get, the more you have to, having said that, go for it...It's not brain surgery, just a lot of fricken' work..
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Is this just another stupid idea ?
Well, no, but it sounds like you're just talking about an upscale food truck. All the stuff you mentioned (lasagna, etc), I can get on a food truck here, and the quality rivals any sit-down restaurant.

If you mean bringing an upscale food truck to a job site...they already do that as well.
Well, no, but it sounds like you're just talking about an upscale food truck. All the stuff you mentioned (lasagna, etc), I can get on a food truck here, and the quality rivals any sit-down restaurant.

If you mean bringing an upscale food truck to a job site...they already do that as well.

But if Termyn8or is the first person to do one of the above in his or her area?? That's getting in on the ground floor, so to speak.


As for my area, it wouldn't work. Too sparsely populated to make financial sense, unless I wanted to drive every day 45 minutes or more each way, just to sell.
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