Buttered vegetable in camping


28 May 2015
Local time
4:43 AM
When we go on camp outs, we usually bring food for grilling, mostly barbecue and fish. There was a time when one of our guests asked why we had no vegetable dish. And it struck me as okay, yes, you are right. On our next camp out, I brought diced broccoli and cauliflower in a foil. After putting butter, I grilled the foil. Oh, it was so good, grilled buttered vegetable. You can try it.
Sounds like how my family used to do it in the fool pouches. We added seasoning too like salt and pepper. I really like grilled vegetable that way because they do t have black on them.
I love veggies in foil cooked on the campfire or bbq. You can use so many different types of vegetables and get really creative. I, also, love baked potatoes on the bbq with lots of butter. Then again, most food takes so much better when it is cooked outside. I wish we had a longer summer here but since it is so short, it is a treat to have a campfire when the season rolls around again.
I love veggies in foil cooked on the campfire or bbq. You can use so many different types of vegetables and get really creative. I, also, love baked potatoes on the bbq with lots of butter. Then again, most food takes so much better when it is cooked outside. I wish we had a longer summer here but since it is so short, it is a treat to have a campfire when the season rolls around again.

We also love picnics and campings and we do that whenever we have time. The problem now are the kids who work and one is still in school. When there is a holiday, one nephew needed to work, a niece needed to go to school. It is now seldom that we all have the time to spare so when that time comes, we immediately reserve a space in a resort. For barbecuing in foil, our latest was pork belly with herbs and tomatoes that is wrapped in foil and broiled over charcoal. Can you imagine the taste of grilled pork in tomato?
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It does sound very good. I have never had that combination but I am willing to give it a try. I loved both pork and tomatoes so I can't see that I wouldn't like it. You always come up with the greatest ideas Corzhens. :)
I know as the children get older it is harder to plan get-aways. Everybody is so busy with their own lives. My children have grown and now have family of their own so it is just my partner and I. We go camping almost
every weekend and take out grand daughter with us. We are always looking for new combinations to cook. She is usually pretty good about trying new foods.
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