Candy Thermometer


17 Apr 2015
Local time
9:09 AM
United States
I am looking into getting a candy thermometer to start making fudge. My mom can eye ball it, but she has had years of practice with it, and told me that I would be better off getting a thermometer. I was wondering what I should look for in getting one.

What is a good brand? Which brands should I avoid? Where is the best place to get one, and does price really matter?

I have seen a few at Walmart and Food Lion, which are, sadly, the closest stores to me. If I have to make a special trip to a specialty store to get it I'm more than happy to do so.
i use a temperature probe ,range is -50 to +200 degrees c ,accurate to about half a degree,pocket ones are not very expensive
Try to get a combo candy / deep fryer one. I have one. That way, you can also use it to measure the temp of the oil when you are deep frying something. :wink:
I'm a big fan of the dial thermometers:

Cheaper, accurate, & usable with oil/candy/meat. Yes, they've made fancier more expensive ones for people who have dump trucks of cash but this has worked for me forever.
I'm a big fan of the dial thermometers:

Cheaper, accurate, & usable with oil/candy/meat. Yes, they've made fancier more expensive ones for people who have dump trucks of cash but this has worked for me forever.

I gotta get one like that! Just found out that the glass thermometer is broken!! Had to toss it. :mad: :stop:
I saw one some which combined a stirring spoon with a thermometer (the Thermospatula or Thermo Spoon). Seems like an excellent idea, though I haven't yet bought one. I'm in UK and found it them Amazon. I expect that you can get them in the US too.
I'll go look in a BB&B or a Target store on Wednesday.
BB&B always has lots of gadgets in there stores. :wink:
My probe I use every day ,I probe meats and check my food temp in fridges it's a top bit of kit ,accurate and easy to use ,at today's exchange with us dreaded 20% vat 18 dollars ,is not expensive ,
I feel so lost in this thread...What's a candy thermometer? This is like the first time I've heard of such a thing.
I feel so lost in this thread...What's a candy thermometer? This is like the first time I've heard of such a thing.

There are also combo units, which combine the candy plus deep fry thermometer in one. That's the one that I want.
Went to a Target Store the other day. Every kind but THAT one!! BB&B is sure to have some!! :mad: :stop:
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