Cast Iron Skillet


30 Jan 2015
Local time
9:25 AM
When I was growing up we always had a cast iron skillet in the kitchen. These skillets are the best, they are very heavy but for cooking I have not found a better pan no matter the price.

Cast iron skillets should not be left to soak over night as they may rust a little and need to be seasoned. Seasoning is easy, just rub the skillet inside and out with oil and put the pan into a warm oven for a few hours. I think the need to season the pan is the number one reason many people do not try a cast iron skillet.
I have never owned one of my own, though I like the idea that they can impart a bit of iron in the food that is prepared in them so getting one is on my list. My mother has had the same pans for decades. They actually belonged to her mother! How many people can say that?
I do plan on investing in a cast iron pan someday as I think they are the best food cooking invention ever. How often do you have to season the pan and at what oven temperature?
They are heavy aren't they Arch! I am not sure that I would be able to lift one with my left hand alone because the muscles in that arm are significantly weaker than those in my right arm. As long as I am lifting the thing with my right arm, I should be good to go. There is just something so classic about a cast iron pan that I am dying to get one.
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