Recipe Cauliflower, egg and potato curry

16 Oct 2012
Local time
3:12 AM
I love cauliflower, and it works really well in curry as well. I tried this recipe from BBC Good Food earlier in the week, using sweet potatoes, and it was delicious. We had it with puppadoms and naan bread, as we thought rice would be a bit uninteresting.

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Looks nice!

When I was a kid, there was only one sort of curry we had for dinner - the sauce was made from onion and cooking apple, flour, curry powder, stock and red lentils, and served over hard boiled egg and rice. That reminds me of it, only more exciting!
Yes, Arch, I used to do that for my daughter. She's been vegetarian since she was about 7, and that made a milder curry, which also suited her. The rest of the family liked it as well, so it made a cheap, easy meal we could all eat.

On the subject of eggs and curry, sometimes if I'm serving hard-boiled eggs on a buffet I scoop out the yolks and mash with a little mayonnaise, curry paste, tomato puree and finely chopped onion. Then I pile the mix back into the whites and garnish with coriander leaves. It looks good on the buffet table, and if you're having a salad, it makes it a more substantial meal. May be worth a go.
My sister didn't like the curry when she was little, so she always had the hardboiled egg and rice, and some raw carrot sticks, nuts and raisins. I felt that was the raw end of the deal, I liked the curry!

(She likes curry now!)
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