Recipe Cheap and Easy Chicken 'n Dumplings


12 Oct 2013
Local time
12:20 AM
North Texas
This is a recipe that I've been using for years. It's cheap and it's easy. Even better, it's good. My wife and kids all love it. In fact, we're eating it tonight. That's what prompted me to write this post.

What you need:

1 whole chicken
4 cans biscuits
salt and pepper
chicken bouillon (optional)

What to do:

Place a chicken in a large pot. Add enough water to cover the chicken. Boil the chicken until done. Keep adding water, if necessary, to keep the chicken covered completely. You can also add in other things like thyme, a bay leaf, whole peppercorns, onion quarters, garlic cloves, etc, but it's not necessary.

Remove the chicken and place it aside to cool, but do not discard the water. You should go ahead and strain it if you added any extras to it while boiling the chicken. Put it back in the pot, though. If you want to, you can add the chicken bouillon here. It will give the soup a little more flavor, but it will increase the saltiness quite a bit. Salt and pepper to taste. If you added bouillon, you likely don't need to add any more salt.

While you're waiting for the chicken to cool open all 4 cans of biscuits. Break each biscuit into small, bit sized, pieces and put them into the pot. Once all the biscuits are added, bring it all to a boil. Once boiling reduce the heat, but do not cover. Keep and eye on it to keep it from boiling over.

After all the biscuit pieces are added the chicken should be cool enough to start pulling off the bone. Pull all the chicken off the bone and shred it.

Once the biscuits are no longer "doughy", and appear done, add the chicken back into the pot and stir. Continue cooking on low heat for another 10 minutes. Once the chicken is hot again, it's ready to serve.

I'll try to remember to get a photo added this evening after we eat dinner.
That sounds like my kind of soup, l'll give it a try and if l get brave enough l might try it with fish:)
Wow, really easy to get done!

I love dumplings so hope you can get that pic uploaded to see if it looks as tasty as the recipe sounds :)

Sorry to say that I forgot all about taking pictures, but winter is coming up so we'll probably have it again within the next several weeks. I'll try to get some pics up as soon as possible.

I forgot to mention, too, that it's better when poured over a little white rice.
This really sounds good and I'll sure give it a try soon as I'm a big fan of chicken. The way you explained it makes my mouth watering since the time I saw the title of this thread. On my personal note I think it would be even delicious if we add grounded spices in an ample quantity. This adds an extra craving taste to chicken when boiled for a while along with these grounded spices.
I always like to cook chicken dishes with rosemary and thyme These spices just brings out the natural flavor of chicken and I was wondering if adding some to this dish would make it even more tasty.
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