Chinese wines coming to the UK

16 Oct 2012
Local time
2:40 AM
According to this story, one of the UK's most famous wine merchants is going to import four different Chinese ice wines - made from frozen grapes. Apparently, China is now the world's 8th largest wine producer. How did that happen?

These wines are way outside my price range, but I can't get past the idea that China is famous for producing cheap tat, yet it's also capable of producing good quality wines. Maybe it's just me. Would you give these wines a go, or are they too expensive for you as well? Have you ever tried any Chinese wine? If so, what did you think?
China is also the world's largest producer of motor vehicles - more than twice the USA - would you buy one?

I'll stick to the French wine thanks, it's in surplus now the French are drinking less of it!
I am a big fan of French wine although Chile are producing some really good stuff. I haven't tried chinese wine but I am intrigued, if too pricey then no.
At 11.30 am today we returned from a holiday in Koh Samui Thailand. We stayed at Zazen Resort in Bophut, which I would highly recommend, whilst there we tried Thai wine, Monsoon I believe it was called. Rather tasty actually so we are going to look to see if we can buy from this country.
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