Choosing between cooking and eating out


25 Sep 2014
Local time
2:33 AM
I am pretty sure that everyone here loves cooking. I love cooking - not only for myself but for my family as well. However, there are still times when I don't feel like cooking. When I feel like this, I would rather eat or get a take out. Though the food doesn't taste as good as home-cooked meals, I still buy them.

Do you feel like this, too?
not very often, but every now and again we will get chips from the chippy. For some strange reason our neighbours dog (we dog sit for him) will always turn up on our doorstep when he smells the chip shop chips!...:rolleyes:
but more often than not eating out is a pain because we live rurally which means a long drive to somewhere to eat out, and then I have to deal with the vegetarian allergic to dairy issues so eating at home, or more accurately eating what we have made at home (and taking it with us) is the usual option. On the bright side it saves blowing a weeks food budget on a single meal!
Well I do like a break from the kitchen every now and then. Cooking can be very time-consuming, even though it would only take up about 1-1/2 to 2 hours of my day. I must say that eating out can be very relaxing at times. You would just pay for your meal and have it. However, when I do a home-cooked meal I know what ingredients I want to put in my pot, and I would do that to suit my taste. If I do not want to use too much salt, for instance, then that would be a choice I would be able to make. When I eat out, on the other hand, I have to accept the meal with whatever it was cooked with, including the amount of salt added, etc.

I do not eat out at restaurants regularly though. What I would do at least once a week, is to buy some fast food and take it home. This is usually a nice change from the everyday cooking.
I definitely try to make food at home 99% of the time (trying to save money and pay back loans and stuff). Most of the time when I cook at home though I try out different recipes so I don't get tired of them. But my boyfriend and I do go out to eat every once in awhile for date night, so when we do go out we try to pick something we don't normally eat or a certain type of cuisine that I don't usually cook :)
Usually, I cook at home. This is for two reasons. Firstly, I love cooking. Secondly, I am on a tight budget as I have four children and only work about 30 hours a week these days. I do love going out though. It's not just the culinary experience, it is the social aspect of it too. It is nice to be treated to a meal cooking for you from time to time.
It just depends on my mood. If I'm craving for some dishes in my favorite restaurants then I'd buy it as long as my budget allows it on that period. I don't prefer one option over another because both require the same amount of effort to me. One which requires me to cook and the other requires me to get dressed, drive back and forth. The only thing I prefer with buying takeout is that I don't smell like food afterwards due to cooking.
Eating out is a luxury in my household all because we can't afford to spend our grocery budget on just one meal! Cooking from home is not only fun but can be very time consuming. Knowing exactly what's put in our supper is the added plus of it all.
I cook most of my meals. I'm on a tight budget. But sometimes I just don't feel like cooking. This usually happens when I have had a long or stressful day. My roommate doesn't always clean up after herself and I just don't want to deal with the kitchen.
I enjoy cooking my own meals. I think I eat much so naturally I can never get satisfied eating out. Moreover, I am training myself to eat at home so that when i get married, i won't be going home already filled up. I learnt women do not like it when their food is rejected.
I cook at home because going out to eat is too expensive and some fast food is greasy and bad. I can't justify spending $13 on two fast food combo meals when I can cook a good dinner for $13 and have leftovers.
I try and have it half-and-half. I cook simple things on some days - quick and easy, and then some days I put a lot of effort, time and expense into making something special.

Maybe every few weeks we have some sort of take out, but it's the exception rather than the rule. ie. If we want it simple, we do it at home.

I am pretty sure that everyone here loves cooking. I love cooking - not only for myself but for my family as well. However, there are still times when I don't feel like cooking. When I feel like this, I would rather eat or get a take out. Though the food doesn't taste as good as home-cooked meals, I still buy them.

Do you feel like this, too?
We don't eat out much. I will say that there are a few healthier options available in this day and time. We are all vegan and good vegan food is not also available when you want it. At least we live in the city and we can find vegan foods easier, eating out is better for our bodies and it's better for my wallet.
I enjoy cooking my own meals. I think I eat much so naturally I can never get satisfied eating out. Moreover, I am training myself to eat at home so that when i get married, i won't be going home already filled up. I learnt women do not like it when their food is rejected.

That is correct Abolarin. Women really don't like it when their food is rejected so you are on the right path. I love to cook and love my own cooking. Sometimes when I am on a tight schedule I will forced to eat out. Eighty percent of the times I do eat out I don't enjoy the meal and the other twenty percent can end up costing me a fortune.

I have been thinking recently that eating out might actually be making me sick sometimes. The thing that makes me want to cook more is the fact that I know everything that's going into my meal. I was enjoying a soup in the mall some time ago and then heard that the chef in question was adding sugar. It's stuff like that forces me to my kitchen even though I could do with a long break.
We do not eat out very much at all. We are trying to save money and dining out is expensive. I really like to have leftovers too, so eating in and cooking my own meals is the best option. Once in a blue moon we will go have dinner just so we can get out of the house and have some social time. I usually make 2 nights worth of dinner though so I don't have to cook each night.
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