Christmas Pudding - love it or hate it?

Christmas Pud - Love it or hate it?

  • Love it

    Votes: 4 100.0%
  • Hate It

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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4 Oct 2012
Local time
4:44 PM
What's your take on the Marmite of the Christmas table?

I'm in the love camp - especially with a bit of brandy sauce - but I know lots of people who won't touch Christmas pud with a barge pole.

Are you a lover or hater?
I love it - the only tragedy for me is that by the time I've battled my way through the dinner, I only have room for a sliver of pudding. If we go out for a Christmas meal prior to the big day, I always order Christmas pudding for dessert, because I know I won't be able to manage much after Christmas dinner.

We always pour flaming brandy over it, and serve it with custard, although if we're in the UK, Tony likes clotted cream with his. He's a West Country boy.

When we were lighting the brandy the other day, the flame on the lighter was blowing back at his fingers, so he got his blowtorch out! I had visions of the table going up in flames, but it worked a treat. I should explain that we didn't take the blowtorch to the pudding - we just warmed and ignited the brandy in the ladle before pouring it over. :thumbsup:
Every year for the last 4, we've all gone to my Mum's, because she has room for us all to stay, and my brother in law's Mum also lives in Leicester and can come for the day.

Every year Dot (bro in law's mum) offers to pay for the Christmas pudding and a pork pie.

This year, she'd rung my Mum several times (including a few times in one day) to check that Mum as going to buy these items, and she (Dot) would pay her back for them. Yes, said my Mum, that's fine, I'll get them.

She turned up on Christmas Day, with pie and pudding... :rolleyes: So we had spare!

Also, NT is lactose intolerant, so Mum got him a carton of Oatly cream last year, while the rest of us have a dollop of Creme Fraiche. The trouble was that we all said "Oh, can I just taste that stuff?" and it was so nice, we wanted his special stuff instead of ours! This year, he guarded it more jealously!
Love it ,always a lottery to weather it's to wet or dry at home,but the more moisture the better,flame with brandy ,serve with icing sugar and extra thick cream for me with a glass of sweet cider,just a return to when my grand parents were alive
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