Cinammon and Honey


15 Apr 2014
Local time
3:55 AM
Have you tried drinking hot water with Cinnamon and honey? Did you like it?
I have read before that the combination of these two helps in fighting digestions problems and colds. I have tried it but only for a week since I do not find it good tasting.
I used to regularly drink cinnamon and honey infusion, and I enjoyed it for a long time. Now I make an infusion of ginger and cinnamon, without any sweetening.

Could it just be that you don't like the scent or taste of cinnamon. If that is the case you are not going to like drinking it. Do you like the taste of any other herbal influsions? Ginger is good for digestion, add lemon to fight colds..
Cinnamon and honey claims to have some medicinal properties that do wonders for our health. I always put a sprinkle of cinnamon on my bread butter toast. And when I am drinking my fresh lemon juice I put honey in it for a refreshing drink. Through this ways I can include cinnamon and honey in my diet.
Cinnamon and honey help everything! Almost anyway, I swear by it. It is what I use in my household instead of medicine a lot of times. Also, I have gotten friends and family to drink it and they also swear by it. The benefits of this particular drink would actually shock you. It did me.

But yes, it helps with digestion. It also helps with headaches, fevers, sinuses, losing weight, infections, and so much more. It really is fantastic. Try it for a week or so and you'll see a difference. I did. Plus, honey and cinnamon are way cheaper than medicine, so that is another plus.
I find the combination good-tasting, but not particularly potent so if you don't like it then... I'd advise finding something else. There are so many herbs and such out there that would help your health more effectively. Both cinnamon and honey might have antibacterial properties, but they're not the only substances in the world that are antibacterial, and I don't consider them even the best substances of foodstuff in the world for health even if they're healthy.

Ginger and lemon fights digestive problems and colds. Or garlic.

Cinnamon and honey, I like those drizzled and sprinkled over apple slices, on waffles, stuff like that. It's for flavor.
I drink cinnamon/honey/water daily. It gives me a great boost of energy and cinnamon stabilizes the blood sugar levels. I have started adding lemon juice to this mixture. Every morning before eating or drinking anything else I will drink my water mixture and wait at least 30 minutes before eating or drinking anything else. I also do this in the evening before going to bed as well. Works wonders for me.
I have added this combination to my black tea but never to water. The only hot water I drink has a little lemon juice in it. I like the taste of cinnamon and honey separately, and even together, but in water didn't find it very appealing because neither seemed to really mix with the water so it was like I was drinking water with clumps of cinnamon honey. I boiled the water when I mixed the two in so I don't think it had anything to do with the water not being hot enough, if I could figure out a way to dissolve the honey in the water I think I would be more inclined to drink this.
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