Coffee Snob?


10 Jan 2015
Local time
9:15 AM
Northeastern USA
Are you particular about your coffee?

My mom is like a coffee aficionado and is very particular about every part of the coffee making process. With flavored coffees she's very concerned how the coffee is flavored, naturally or artificially. She can also tell the difference between all kinds of roasts. She will only buy whole beans and grind them herself, or have them ground at the store. She says the coffee loses its flavor and potency when it is sitting already ground in the bag. She usually uses a French Press or stove top espresso maker and pu-pu's the coffee maker.

Me on the other hand, Folger's pre-ground, artificially French Vanilla in a coffee maker is good enough for me.

How about you, do you know a lot about the coffee making process?
I actually prefer instant coffee to freshly ground coffee and am more than happy with Nescafe instant out of a jar! That said Cafe Direct is not too bad a blend.

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Tasters Choice was purchased by Nescafe, I like Tasters Choice instant coffee, I don't drink more than 2 cups of coffee a day. The single serving K-Cups are good for me but the price is so high. My daughter has a Keriug coffee maker, I enjoy the coffee when I am there but not ready to purchase on for myself. When I do get one I want it to make more than one cup of coffe at a time. I think I have seen the machine I am looking for but not sure yet.
I love coffee, in fact I'm addicted to coffee but honestly don't know much about the coffee making process. I usually let my friend Gary make the coffee for me as he loves doing it and is particular about how he makes it! With that being said, I don't mind having some instant coffee either.
I do love my coffee but don't consider myself a coffee snob. I do like strong full bodied coffee but chose from several brands. I do have a keurig coffee maker which makes it easy for me to try different blends in the k cups. One thing I will say, is I don't care for instant at all. If that makes me a coffee snob, oh well, I just can't stomach the
It's funny, I didn't used to be particular about coffee. A few years ago I was still taking my coffee with cream and sugar, or coffee creamer. At a point I started drinking it black with just a little raw sugar, and then I also gave up the sugar. Now that I actually taste the coffee I can say there is such a wide range of difference from one type to another that you quickly become particular about it. It's a bit like tasting different wines.
unfortunately I do find that I am a coffee snob. I hate Folgers coffee and most of the mass market off the shelf coffees out there. My favorite coffee brand is Seattle's Best, followed by Tullys. Right now I have a coffee machine, but I want to invest in a french press because the coffee tastes so much better from one of those. Whole coffee beans is the way to purchase your coffee and just grind it as you need it. You will get much more flavor out of the coffee doing it that way.
I'm happy with any coffee I'm given and won't turn my nose up at instant BUT given that both my husband and myself love coffee and can get through a few cups a day we've invested in an entry-level bean-to-cup machine and haven't looked back.
We also have a French press and a Bialetti, which do great coffee but the machine is the lazier option ;-)
I don't know much about the coffee-making process and I remember that with the Bialetti I was always afraid of getting the water too hot or not hot enough (electric hob) although the end results were always ok for me.
I am not particular, but I don't like weak 'tea-looking' coffee. I like strong coffee, which is hard to find in the US. Also, I do prefer coffee from machines where you put whole grains of coffee and they grind the grains at the moment it's making coffee. Wow, it tastes so much better! I also like fresh coffee, so I'm not a fan of those machine coffees that have it there for several hours ready. I like my coffee prepared a few minutes after drinking!
I can't drink instant coffee, it tastes horrible and very bitter to me. I guess if I were in a dire emergency I could force myself to drink a cup, but it is not my go to. I have had many brands of instant coffee and there are some that are better than others. In the end they all taste like instant coffee to me and I don't like the flavor.
I'm like rosy, although I can't stomach coffee at all - literally, it doesn't go good with my insides for some reason, and I always come out the worse when drinking it. I have loved many different varieties and even worked at a coffee shop called "Heavenly Grounds" and it was decent and the aromas made it worth working for, but me and coffee...nope.
I drink a load of coffee ,can't deal with instant,I have a gaggia machine at work grind beans to order and a expresso pot at home old fashioned but practical ,medium strength pre ground Colombian coffee
I'm like rosy, although I can't stomach coffee at all - literally, it doesn't go good with my insides for some reason, and I always come out the worse when drinking it. I have loved many different varieties and even worked at a coffee shop called "Heavenly Grounds" and it was decent and the aromas made it worth working for, but me and coffee...nope.

There are a lot of people who can't deal with coffee well because of the acidity in it. They get stomach aches feel gross all around. I have been drinking coffee since I was young so I think my stomach is just conditioned to take the acid levels. It is kind of the same thing with hot peppers, after years of eating them, your body adapts to the heat.
I'm not a fan of instant coffee either - I find it too bitter. I get the whole beans, grind them at home and use them in the cafetiere/french press. I don't mind paying a little extra for decent beans -and I prefer a stronger coffee too. There is little point to weak coffee!
There are a lot of people who can't deal with coffee well because of the acidity in it. They get stomach aches feel gross all around. I have been drinking coffee since I was young so I think my stomach is just conditioned to take the acid levels. It is kind of the same thing with hot peppers, after years of eating them, your body adapts to the heat.

Coffee isn't that acidic. It has a pH of around 5, about the same as carbonated water and less acidic than beer or fruit juice.
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