Comfort Foods: What comes to mind from childhood ?


31 May 2017
Local time
11:35 PM
When I was a kid ( I am an only child ), and when we had friends over or family and cousins to play with, I was very elated and of course having some French Provençal specialties and homemade croissants for Brunch the next morning were just a couple of the highlights ..

I still love Provençal cuisine and like almost everything that comes out of the sea ..

Mom also used to prepare her French Fried Potatoes for the White Wine steamed mussels, twice .. In other words, she fried the potatoes twice and they were Golden Crisp stunning.

She prepares them for the 2 great grand sons ( age 5 ) and they just adore them, as much as I did ..
When I was a kid, it was just after the war, so comfort food was not usually on the menu. We did have left over lamb in a shepherd's pie or sausage and mash with plenty of gravy, and I still love them now. That was usually the only meat I got in those days - I often didn't have any on Sunday's - in fact I can't remember actually being very keen on it.
When I was a kid, it was just after the war, so comfort food was not usually on the menu. We did have left over lamb in a shepherd's pie or sausage and mash with plenty of gravy, and I still love them now. That was usually the only meat I got in those days - I often didn't have any on Sunday's - in fact I can't remember actually being very keen on it.


Thank you for your contribution.

Late, for me ..

Goodnight ..
When I was a kid, it was just after the war, so comfort food was not usually on the menu. We did have left over lamb in a shepherd's pie or sausage and mash with plenty of gravy, and I still love them now. That was usually the only meat I got in those days - I often didn't have any on Sunday's - in fact I can't remember actually being very keen on it.
Sausage and mash brings back a few memories here too - but the sausages have to very well done and none of these modern skinless or other weird things [quorn ??] and mash means mash not 'creamed' [a strange chefs description of gloop that looks and tastes like wall paper paste].
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