Common Food That You Avoid Eating


3 Jun 2015
Local time
1:17 AM
I do avoid eating potatoes. We have planted potatoes ever since I was young. Lately I do not feel like eating potatoes may I have eaten a lot. Which food do you avoid maybe because you have eaten a lot of it for a long time?
I will not eat olives, nor will I put them in anything that I'm cooking!!
This also includes sauerkraut & tripe!! Three of the nastiest things that I will not touch!! :headshake::stop:
Potatoes. Im sick of potatoes. I tend to have Yorkshire puddings instead. And bread. Bread doesn't taste the same as it did years ago. Its to heavy and stodgy.
I've actually gone off bread lately too. It used to be my go-to breakfast food, but these days I'm trying to have lighter options like fruit and yogurt, so bread just isn't cutting it.

It did feel a bit overdone for me so I think that's a big part of it!
There aren't too many foods that I avoid. I like most anything..I avoid white bread but I do eat other kinds of grain breads. Salt isn't a good but I never add it to my food because of blood pressure problems. I, also, try to avoid fast food and anything that is too greasy.
This is not for me but for my husband, I mean the wish of my husband for me not to eat - salty food. He is always telling me to quit salt and fish sauce because I have recurring kidney stones. It's not really good for me to be eating salty food as what the doctor had said but I cannot live eating bland-tasting food. Maybe I have to learn how to avoid salt in any which way I can. But for now, let me savor this boiled egg with a pinch of salt.
I seldom eat rice these days because of my diet and workout. I'm Asian so rice is really a staple here. I don't miss it at all because rice is carbs and it makes you bloated and fat.
i will give up bread for a while ,when i find myself skipping meals and grabbing a filled roll or a sandwich all the time
I will not eat olives, nor will I put them in anything that I'm cooking!!
This also includes sauerkraut & tripe!! Three of the nastiest things that I will not touch!! :headshake::stop:

I have never liked olives, my husband loves them but I just do not like them.
i will give up bread for a while ,when i find myself skipping meals and grabbing a filled roll or a sandwich all the time

We take sandwiches to work everyday so that we can keep an eye on fat, salt,calorie intake but we do sometimes get into a bit of a rut knowing what to have. We try not to have the same thing time and again and we do both get bored of bread so try wraps. They are great but there is a limit to what you can put in them.
We take sandwiches to work everyday so that we can keep an eye on fat, salt,calorie intake but we do sometimes get into a bit of a rut knowing what to have. We try not to have the same thing time and again and we do both get bored of bread so try wraps. They are great but there is a limit to what you can put in them.
As I'm surrounded by food all day I get to the stage I don't eat proper meals,and eating no bread makes me eat a proper meal ,my hours are bizarre at best ,my boys are on wraps ,and our evening meals can be up to three sittings ,to be honest I could eat cheese sarnies all day
I try to avoid bread and almost never buy it. My husband does not feel the same way and whenever he brings it home it gives me hell to avoid. Truthfully when I do go without it I feel like the there is a void in my life.
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I try to avoid bread and almost never buy it. My husband does not feel the same way and whenever he brings it home it gives me hell to avoid. Truthfully when I do go without it I feel like the there is a void in my life.
So why are you avoiding it?
I'll eat almost anything and I can't think of a common food I'd avoid (other than mayo, but that's because I'm allergic to it). But, I don't really have a sweet tooth (luckily)and I'm on a perpetual diet (!) so I virtually never eat puddings, cakes etc.
Cheese. I have a minor intolerance to lactose, but in small doses I can get away with it. Cheese though both makes me sick as a dog and tastes foul to me. Which is weird since I used to love it. But yeah now I avoid cheese and people think I am insane for it.
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