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Community and Group Cookbooks


10 Sep 2013
Local time
11:32 AM
I have a cookbook collection and all kinds of foods and cooking methods are covered within those books. I've found that I'm quickly finding favorites, though...

Most of my favorite cookbooks are those that were put together by a community or a group. I'm more interested in "homey" cooking like many of us remember from our childhoods. I'll try a complicated or gourmet recipe once in a while, but it's not my favorite. I'd much prefer cooking something that has been tested, tried, and true and that's where the group cookbooks come in. I figure that when recipes are requested for those books, everyone's going to offer their very best, so it's a win-win for the person reading and using the cookbook.

Do you prefer gourmet / niche cookbooks... or the group books with tested and enjoyed recipes?
I do love me some gourmet cooking:) but to be honest I have never gotten a recipe from a cooking group that have tried and tested certain dishes but I might start to look into it:)
I was the kind of person who collected gourmet and specialty cuisine books for years, but if I could count how many of those recipes were actually baked, for sure not more than a dozen.

It was about until a couple of years that I discovered that community and group cookbooks are much better and get you finding cooking and baking ideas that are easy to prepare with fast cooking times. Not all, but it is all about you doing your own selection of favorites.

Here the only disappointing thing is that I tried to run myself a community cookbook on my own website, and I hardly could get some people joining me. Not even my family members or real-life friends seemed to be interested in participating :(
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