Cooking related injury?


Über Member
29 May 2018
Local time
7:35 PM
i just dropped a spice jar on my already injured toe...owwwww...hop hop...owwwww.

When i was 3 years old i was walking by the stove on the way down the hall and the bacon my mom was cooking popped and burnt me and i have held it against bacon ever since. I still remember the side of the stove and looking down at the mark the burn made and crying.

What's your battle to the death with cooking?
As far as burns, they seem to get less and less annoying over the years. Cuts, I still won't let Craig use the big mandoline because of what he did to himself when trying to cut something and watch football at the same time. Not pretty, massive amounts of blood. Other than that, using freshly sharpened knives after they haven't been sharpened for a while. I tend to cut chunks of skin off fingers.
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Oh i forgot when my mandolin bit me...first time i used it. It knicked my finger tip...not bad...and i managed not to bleed into the potatoes i was slicing.
Oh i forgot when my mandolin bit me...first time i used it. It knicked my finger tip...not bad...and i managed not to bleed into the potatoes i was slicing.

I've learned to always use a guard with the mandolin - once cut twice shy. I've also managed to grate my fingers on a microplane once or twice! My worst accident was a knife cut across the back of my thumb when a knife slipped somehow. It seemed like a straightforward rather deep cut at first and I bound it up tightly and forgot about it until the next day. Then, my thumb suddenly 'flopped' - I couldn't straighten it at all. You'd be surprised quite how debilitating this can be. Apparently I'd cut through a tendon which must have been hanging by a thread then suddenly snapped. I went to casualty and was told I'd need an immediate operation with general anaesthetic to repair it otherwise it was most likely to become permanent.
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