Cooking with children


5 Apr 2014
Local time
1:35 PM
Do you spend time cooking with your kids? I don't have any children, but when I was growing up I used to bake with my grandma every week. I always looked forward to that time - we'd make pies, scones and plate cakes. She never measured anything out, she just used 'handfuls' and everything always came out perfectly.
My mother and grandmothers, even my father cooked with me when I was little. I have done cookie baking with the children of my friends and it was a lot of fun. The little ones love to get their little hands into the cookie dough!
I was taught by my Grannie. She weighed everything out - something I often don't do. I know what 8oz of flour is off a dessert spoon and I know what 2oz of fat looks like, so I tend to be a non-weigh it cook. It still works out just fine, but I used to have wonderful fun with my Grannie when I was a child and whilst I also don't have children, I do child sit for friends' children, often all day and they love coming over to our place because we make things and I allow them to get all messy and hands on. (clothes are easily washed and back on the child without the parent ever knowing :laugh: One of the things they love the most is making bread with me - I have a really quick and easy Irish Soda Bread recipe that even children can't go wrong with and it works everything and they get to take the bread home at the end of the day...
Do you spend time cooking with your kids? I don't have any children, but when I was growing up I used to bake with my grandma every week. I always looked forward to that time - we'd make pies, scones and plate cakes. She never measured anything out, she just used 'handfuls' and everything always came out perfectly.
I cook with them from time to time. I would cook with them more but they make to much of a mess. My youngest is always in the kitchen trying to help out, so I let him help cook with me the most.
I really don't think i have much of a choice as my 12 year old daughter just don't know how to stay out of the kitchen at times i wonder if her love for cooking is genuine or is it because she just loves eating...i just can't think of a dish that this child doesn't enjoy...not that i mind having her in the kitchen as they're times when i really need the company.
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