Cool Aid Pickles


16 Nov 2014
Local time
7:46 PM
Washington, USA
I was watching the Bizarre Foods show last night and they were featuring truck stop food shops in the South US and one of the featured items was Cool Aid soaked pickles. I guess they soak the pickles in Cool Aid for several hours and the pickles take on the color and flavor of the juice. They looked rather gross to me but I was wondering if any of you have tried these?
Didn't know what Cool Aid (Kool-Aid?) was (thought it sounded like a remedy for being overheated), so had to google it. Tried to go into their website and was blinded by lurid red! I'm not sure its something I'd want to use for a pickle (seems to have some dubious colourings added). There are other more natural ingredients that could be used, I think. But its got me thinking about including more fruit flavours, perhaps fruit juice, in savoury pickles. :D
Kool-Aid is horrible for you and the teenagers around here use the concentrated form of it to dye their hair rainbow colors. It was a very cheap drink that kids of the 80s grew up drinking because you could make a whole pitcher for like $2 or something very cheap like that. I do not even have the stuff in my house, let alone let my kids drink it.
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