Culinary Dreams


27 Apr 2014
Local time
2:30 PM
Between a frying pan and a fire
I don't mean like goals or ambitions, I mean literally when you hallucinate when you sleep...Do you think up of recipes?

Last night I dreamed that I was sitting at a cafeteria with a choice of three stews. The one I picked was a salty tamarind broth with fish flesh that was something between cream dory and tilapia. For some reason, it didn't have any reeds (kang kong) or yams or radish slices in it, like this recipe should have in waking life, but it was perfect. Piping hot without being scalding, just the right balance of salty and sour...

I want to make it real but I don't know what species of fish to use.
It's weird because I tend to have a lot of dreams that I can remember but I don't think cooking has ever been the theme of any of them. That sounds cool and like the recipes you dream could be pretty creative. I occasionally have dreams where I go out and order something, maybe a favorite of mine, and then I wake up craving it but never a dream involving me cooking.
Well, I wasn't cooking in this one either, but it just gave me a...craving-to-do, you know? Sometimes they might not taste as good as I think they will, though. Like, I remember another dream where I enjoyed a fish and mango dish but I already knew that in waking life, I enjoy both ingredients--but just keep them far, far away from each other if you want me to eat them.

When I was wondering what to stuff a cabbage leaf with during the day, I had a dream about borrowing a cabbage from a roommate that doesn't exist in waking life, and the cabbage leaf grew to the size of a bedsheet. I thought I'd solve the problem of world hunger if I could just get the stuffing to do that.

Come to think of it, I dream a lot about fish when I have culinary dreams at all. And vegetables, but with veggie dishes it's more like just repeating what I've had in waking life than something my subconscious sort of created...
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