Cutest Donuts Ever!


14 Apr 2015
Local time
3:29 AM
Japan (expat by way of Australia and USA)
Since I'm living in Japan right now, I try and source out cute or interesting things in the area (particularly food related ones!) to check out!

There's a donut shop in the suburbs of Tokyo called Floresta Donuts. I'm pretty sure they have multiple locations but it's not a huge chain or anything. But check out these donuts:

They really are adorable and very creative. I am sure the children just love going their to get donuts. They are almost too cute too eat!
Oh those doughnuts are super cute! I never saw any like that. What a hit they would be with kids! I think even adults would get a kick out of those creations.. I never saw anything like them. I think the best doughnut shop we have here is called Sugar Shack. They have gourmet doughnuts and people love them. There is frequently a line out the door. They are very expensive, but stay fresh ohhh sooo long!
They are adorable ONLY to look at. The sort of things are great for the look. That sugar would most surely send me to my grave. While we are at it I might as well add to the sugar factory.
A little all over the place, something I can identify with.
Well it looks as if doughnuts can come in all kinds of designs. One can get very creative with them. The ones shown in the first photo are really cute and adorable. I do not eat them that often because they are so extra sweet, but when I do have a doughnut, it is usually a chocolate covered one. The ones shown here are definitely suitable for kids. The doughnuts shown in the second post are lovely looking too, more like the kind I am accustomed to seeing, although not with all that variety.
Both photos of donuts are just adorable. The ones from Japan are particularly creative and I am sure are a great hit with kids of all ages. The second photo is more adult oriented but just as cute. It inspires me to be more creative when decorating the donuts I make, but the first photo has inspired the decorating of cupcakes and cookies.
Oh these little donuts are too cute. My kids would love them. They would be perfect for a birthday party. You wouldn't need a cake. I've been a few birthday parties where the latest thing is a cake that is really cupcakes all together and then you break it apart after you sing Happy Birthday and everyone gets a cupcake. This is much cooler for the kids. I only wish I could find these where I live I would buy them for my son's 7th birthday party.
Since now we get Krispy Kreme doughnuts in the UK they are cute enough for me,:okay:
Oh these little donuts are too cute. My kids would love them. They would be perfect for a birthday party. You wouldn't need a cake. I've been a few birthday parties where the latest thing is a cake that is really cupcakes all together and then you break it apart after you sing Happy Birthday and everyone gets a cupcake. This is much cooler for the kids. I only wish I could find these where I live I would buy them for my son's 7th birthday party.

Oooh, that's a smart idea! A cute stacked tower of those donuts would look awesome as a centerpiece for a birthday party table of yummy goodies!
I have seen a photo similar to this which is on another forum about cats. I love the colors although they come in with bright and beautiful colors they still look yummy to me. A nice inspiring photo indeed, who knows I might just try and make my own version and sell them.
I have seen a photo similar to this which is on another forum about cats. I love the colors although they come in with bright and beautiful colors they still look yummy to me. A nice inspiring photo indeed, who knows I might just try and make my own version and sell them.

If you're good at decorating then I think it wouldn't be too tricky! If you give it a go please be sure to share pictures with us - I would love to see!
If you're good at decorating then I think it wouldn't be too tricky! If you give it a go please be sure to share pictures with us - I would love to see!
It will be a business that I am thinking of. This photo gave me an inspiration and I am now more or less had made up my mind which direction to take. I know it will never be that easy and quick to put it all up together. But I am definitely considering cat donuts or perhaps all the animals I see on the photo. I appreciate you posting this to remind me
Oh my goodness those donuts are the cutest donuts I've ever seen my favourite is the chicken donut!
Those are really cute and creative. What a unique place. I bet they get a lot of customers.
Those donuts are really cute and I am sure not only children but as well adult too will surely be amazed when they will see this kind of donuts and will buy them at once. It looks yummy too! Thanks for sharing this pictures of the donuts from Japan. :)
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