Desserts for movie nights.


1 Dec 2014
Local time
5:16 AM
With the holidays almost here and the kids home again by this weekend i know it's time for me to get creative in the kitchen as they'll be having lots of movie nights. What to prepare on these nights is the big question? I usually prepare mini pizzas,fish fingers or just pop some good old popcorn...i think i want to spice things up a little for the holidays though. What do you prepare for your kids on such nights?
I am not yet a parent but during movie nights, my mom usually prepares tarts, popcorn and brownies. And of course, hot chocolate could never be left out because kids really have a thing for it.
I'm good with a whole bag of chips during a movie night at home with some family and friends. I can do any kind of chips, like nachos with dip or simply a big bag of chips.

If you want something a little different, you can make burgers, wraps, pizza, or even chicken fingers. Any finger foods would be great for people watching a film. Food that would require too much work to eat wouldn't be necessary and it would be uncomfortable to watch a movie while needing to look at your food while eating.

Keep it simple.
I am always an advocate for popcorn for movie nights! it's the thing you can just eat slowly without thinking or making a mess during the movie. In here there is always the option for regular popcorn or sweet popcorn. I think it's the best and coolest option.
Any junk food is good movie night food. For me personally, Doritos with some medium hot salsa...Man, I could eat whole bags of that stuff.
Popcorn is a must on movie nights. I also get chips and dips, not the healthiest but heck, it's movie night! Other snacks would be those finger-sized mini sausage rolls, the whole family love it. Fruit mixed with ice-cream, an assortment of salty finger foods also make the cut.
Well if you are just looking for desserts then I say: keep it simple. Kids love sugary stuff so candy, cookies. Maybe pop corn and some chips to have a salty option. None of these are really a healthy option but hey, it's their movie night so who cares? Let them enjoy it and keep the "good diet" stuff for everyday use.

But, if you do want to go healthy, then nuts and sliced vegetables with a few different dips are the way to go. Kids love dipping stuff and a good dip will make ordinary stuff like carrots and cauliflower taste great!
Usually popcorn or chips for the movie night. I made cookies last night which are all gone now, it was the first all day at home of the spring break. The cookies were hi-fiber to make sure all is well with everyone.
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