Sandra Piddock
It was my granddaughter's sixth birthday yesterday - and it was also Diet Coke's 30th birthday. There are some surprising facts in this article. It was the first new product from Coca Cola for almost 100 years, and American comedian Bob Hope was the 'face' of the new product.
I don't drink a lot of diet drinks these days - I'm trying to go for more healthy alternatives - but I do enjoy a Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi now and again. What about you? Do you 'do' diet drinks? Are you surprised that Diet Coke has been around for 30 years?
I don't drink a lot of diet drinks these days - I'm trying to go for more healthy alternatives - but I do enjoy a Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi now and again. What about you? Do you 'do' diet drinks? Are you surprised that Diet Coke has been around for 30 years?