Do you drink fruit teas?

16 Oct 2012
Local time
7:01 AM
When we were in Turkey some years ago, I developed a liking for their fruit teas, and bought quite a few back with me. Needless to say, they didn't taste quite so good in cold, rainy England, and most of them got thrown out when we sold our house, as they were several years past their sell by date, and nobody else wanted them.

If we went back to Turkey, I'd probably hit the fruit tea again, but I've not been tempted by the increasing variety of fruit teas in the supermarkets. What about you? Do you have a favourite fruit tea - or do you prefer Tetley's or PG Tips?
I prefer normal tea. I find I enjoy fruit or herb teas when they are very hot, but they are often a bit bitter once they cool at all.
I have to confess that there was a lemon tea in turkey that we really liked a lot.

In the UK since coming back, we have only really had Clipper's Green Tea, but I did used to love the London Herb & Fuit Company's Blackcurrant Bracer but it needed steeping for around 10 mins and a teaspoon of demarara sugar adding for my tastes.
Since our return, I have not found that I enjoy them anywhere near as much either, but from time to time come across a nice peppermint tea that my brother-in-law has. one of these days I will remember to record what so I can buy some!
have tried a few variety's but didnt like them so sticking to decaff
I've found they smell fantastic but all too often the taste doesn't live up to the smell.
So I tend not to give them a chance & avoid, maybe if I see a good offer I'll try some more.
I've found they smell fantastic but all too often the taste doesn't live up to the smell.
So I tend not to give them a chance & avoid, maybe if I see a good offer I'll try some more.

I have long since found the trick is to ignore the instructions. leave the tea bag in and come back to it after 10-15mins. flavour is much improved. Lots of health food shops now offer free sample sachets at the counter around this area as well....
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