Do you drink whole milk or a plant-based alternative?

Do you drink whole milk or a plant-based alternative?

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3 Dec 2013
Local time
6:07 PM
Almost a decade ago, I began substituting plant-based milks (soy, almond, cashew nut) for cow's milk. Why? I could no longer digest lactose (the sugar in cow's milk). All of the brands on the market aren't created equally, but the one I have found Silk to be a good one.

Do you drink whole milk or a plant-based alternative?

Definitely MOO! for me.
I rarely drink milk so this really isn't a big issue for me, but MOOO! milk tastes better so that's what I buy. :)
I developed an allergy to cow's milk many years ago, then sadly goat's milk and sheep's milk also became no go areas.
Thankfully non-animal based milks have improved considerably over the years and I now routinely have soya milk (Alpro original being my favourite in the soya milk range), oat milk (enriched Oatly being my favourite) and almond milk when I am over at my mothers. I also make my own nut milks and have a batch of brazil nut milk in the fridge at the moment after picking up a whole load of raw nuts which had been reduced to 19p per 250g bag because they were Christmas stock being cleared from the shelves!

alpro fresh.jpg oatly.png
I agree. I do not drink milk frequently or I guess as frequently as I should. However when I do drink milk, I prefer cows milk. My husband likes whole milk but I like to drink fat free or skim milk.
quote="crimsonghost747, post: 5977, member: 315"]Definitely MOO! for me.
I rarely drink milk so this really isn't a big issue for me, but MOOO! milk tastes better so that's what I buy. :)[/quote]
I have grown up drinking skim milk. I prefer the flavor of skim if I am going to drink cows milk but my favorite type of milk is almond milk. It definitely is something to get used to because it doesn't taste like cows milk. I always get the vanilla flavor and it is perfect for cereal and to make protein shakes with I love it!! I have recently tried the chocolate almond milk and it is one of the best treats for limited calories I have found in a long time! I would definitely recommend trying it!
I grew up drinking skim milk as well. I prefer that flavor over whole milk. I just think of whole milk as being too fatty. If I drink an alternative, I always drink hemp. It's so tasty and good for you.
I love whole milk, but became lactose intolerant in my 30's. I knew it was coming because everyone in my immediate family became lactose intolerant. I was the last one to develop it. I drink almond milk. I think I love it more than cow's milk. In a pinch, I will drink rice milk.
I drink almond milk. I used to drink soy milk (mainly at Starbucks) but started having problems with ovarian cysts. Since soy contains estrogen it can cause, those types of, issues. I don't know if soy caused my cysts but it doesn't hurt to stop drinking soy, just in case it exacerbates the issue. I have a preference for almond anyway.

I was tested for lactose intolerance in my mid-20's and it came back negative. I'm not sure if I'm sensitive to lactose or milk protein but, whenever I drink regular milk and/or eat cheese I get gastrointestinal issues and phlegm in my throat.
I use soy milk, not but choice though, I've always had a mild allergy to regular milk if drunk straight, milk in a cake or in macaroni cheese is no problem. I still remember being so excited at kindergarten when were given a few 1 liter bottles of milk to take home (as part of a nation wide program) and then my throat and mouth swelling up after trying it. I was guttered.
When I was still a child up to the time I was an adult and working already I always love drinking milk everyday. But when I got married I stopped drinking it when I learned that the mucus in milk is not good for our body and because I value my health now I tried to avoid all that will do harm to our bodies for better health.
Only time I drink milk is when I want a latte. Otherwise, I only drink almond milk. I didn't do it for health reasons, I honestly just love the way it tastes!
Wow, I did not actually know that there were so many different kinds of milks out there, I know about Low fat milk or Skim milk, Soy milk, Goats milk and Pasteurized milk but as for Plant-based milks I didn't have a clue. I love M-o-o-o- milk it is creamy and delicious and I love drinking it when it is very cold. When I get the chance I like to have a product of Clover called Mmmmmilk which is vanilla flavoured milk yum! I also enjoy those straws with the flavour granules in it that you just stick into the milk and drink.
I have tried soy milk, rice milk, almond milk.... but I hate them all... soy just tastes plain bad, rice milk is like a white water (yuck), and almond milk is sweet and weird. I love cow's milk, what can I do? I don't drink it whole thought, I usually have it skimmed. I have been trying to cut on the milk a but (I usually drink at least two cups a day), but as I love it, it's hard for me!
I prefer 1 - 2% cow milk. I've tried soy milk- but I only like the chocolate variety. Even then, it's sometimes a little too thick and I have to add regular milk to it. I'm tempte to try almond milk as well, but probably only in chocolate. Just not a fan of sweet milks.
I prefer 1 - 2% cow milk. I've tried soy milk- but I only like the chocolate variety. Even then, it's sometimes a little too thick and I have to add regular milk to it. I'm tempte to try almond milk as well, but probably only in chocolate. Just not a fan of sweet milks.
Can you get hold of light soya milk? I ask because I used to have the same issues with original soya milk (being too thick) and the light version is much thinner. In the UK it comes in both UHT and fresh versions nowadays.


As for almond milk, it also comes in so many different types now that it is hard to keep track of, from original to sweetened to unsweetened etc. I prefer the original version, my mother prefers the unsweetened version (but I prefer the calories being a cyclist and having usually cycled 22 miles just to get to see my mother!)
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