Do you eat all types of meat?


19 Sep 2013
Local time
7:14 AM
Do you eat all types of meat or is there something you don't like? I personally would never really eat pork.
i eat and cook all meats from rabbit,venison,quail,duck to air dried charcuterie ,kangaroo had a trend for a while,eat offals but not over keen on hearts of any origin,have tried horse and dog,I have a saying if you were bought up with some thing you would consider it normal,social conditioning!!
I wouldn't say I have eaten every meat out there and I don't plan on it either. I like meat but I have lately been cutting back on it and eating more fruits and vegetables. I don't know how it happened, but it has been good for me.
Only chicken and fish for me, no pork, beef or lamb:) l would like to cut out chicken and fish but l need the protein.
I want to taste anything and everything, so yes. However when I cook myself it's either pork, beef or chicken.
I don't know that I would eat all kinds of meats, but I have tried a lot of different one. From land animals, there has been chicken, pork, beef, emu, rattlesnake, turtle, rabbit, bison, deer, lamb, pheasant, quail, and many others I'm sure I am forgetting.

From underwater, there has been a wide variety of critters, too. Alligator, shark, sea cucumber, numerous kinds of oysters, clams, and other shells, halibut, tuna, salmon, lapu-lapu, catfish, trout, shrimp, crabs, lobsters, and many other things I am forgetting at the moment.

I have never tired dog, cat, or other traditional "pet" animals, nor will I. That is where I would have to draw the line.

If someone tells you something tastes like chicken, do not believe it. It just means they have never tried it. All of these different meats have their own unique flavors. Some are sensational, some OK, and others I would prefer not to try again.
There are meats I haven't tried yet, but very few I wouldn't.

Beef/veal, lamb/mutton, pork, goat, alligator, rabbit, boar, bison, venison.

Chicken, duck, turkey, quail, ostrich, not much else come to think of it.

A range of seafood, too numerous to list and I wouldn't know them all anyway.

Misc; frogs, crickets.
I have cut back on my red meat a lot and I eat more white meat. I prefer to eat chicken or turkey because pork has too much salt. I still eat more veggies than meat, but I haven't cut out my meat completely
Not all types of meat, honestly. I have eaten lamb, beef, goat meat, chicken, fish and pork. However, the regular ones are the chicken, fish and mutton. I have kind of given up on pork completely.
I am thinking of giving up on pork as well, bit I don't know if I will though. I eat less and less of it but I still like eating pork. I will probably stop eating it as the years go by.
Here in Spain, the pork and chicken is free range, and most of the beef is grass fed, so we tend to eat a lot of pork and chicken, with a little beef. I like lamb, but it's expensive both here and in the UK, so it's an occasional treat. If I have paella, I have it with chicken and rabbit, although strangely I don't eat rabbit in anything else.

I quite like game meat such as venison, and I love duck and goose, but these are occasional treats as well. I won't eat any type of offal, and I'm wary of trying stuff like alligator, ostrich and kangaroo.
I don't eat beef,I haven't had beef since I was in Senior high school. I also quit eating frog meat for a long time since I joined Buddhism. Beef because The goddess of Mercy's father was reincarnated as a cow and since we didn't know which and how long would his punishment be ,some Buddhist just chose not to eat beef. Frog because the goddess of moon's husband was turn to a frog. I told my mom to stop telling me all those so called 'god' that being sentenced to some animals that I eat so I won't feel bad and stop eating it all together!
The meat that I have started buying the most is chicken. I find that I like it and turkey more than I like the other meats. I will buy some beef, but only when I am in the mood for it. A lot of the meats I use to eat a lit of I don't eat as much anymore.
I eat all kinds of basic meat... beef, pork, turkey, chicken, ham, etc. There are some meats that are very difficult to get in my rather rural area, like lamb so I don't eat that.

One thing my stomach can't tolerate is wild game, so I never eat that. I've had venison that was good in the past, but I'm not sure I'd be able to eat it any longer either.
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