Do you eat for nutrition or eat for comfort?


28 Nov 2014
Local time
11:22 PM
When I am focused, I like to eat for health. But there is no reason to think health means there will be no good taste involved. Honey on oatmeal is a nice substitute for sugar (artificial or otherwise). Do you substitute healthy options? Right now I am not doing as well as I was earlier in the year. I do have a sweet tooth, and money is tight, so I cannot afford to buy separate foods for my health (the family eats for comfort). If you eat comfort foods, what do you enjoy?
I like to think that I eat both for health and for comfort. I believe healthy foods can still be tasty, like honey as you mentioned here. I have cut back a bit on the sugar that I use. Every now and then I try to substitute healthy options. Using raisins in cereal would be healthier than using sugar, and I am thinking of doing this again.

Liquid aminos is a good substitute for salt when cooking a meal. I have used this in the past and have found that it makes the meal tasty and I did not miss the salt. However, because this product is kind of pricey, I stopped buying it, and have gone back to using salt, although I have cut back on the amount that I use. When it comes to table butter, I buy the unsalted one. I have acquired the taste for this and have been using it for years now. I always use brown rice now since I know it has more health properties than the white one. When compared to white rice, I find that brown rice even tastes better.

My comfort foods would include ice cream, chocolate or cake, but I tend to eat these sparingly. I have been hearing that dark chocolate is the healthier choice when it comes to chocolate, so that is the one I buy these days.
I would say that I am a mix of both. Also, I eat for pleasure- to enjoy the textures and flavours. If I eat for comfort it tends to be at night when the children are in bed.
I would say I am the perfect mix but when you have certain medical conditions looming, I don' think there is anything perfect about eating for comfort under those conditions.

I know I have to pay more attention to nutrition to take better care of my heath.
Both but do to health issues I have to be health issues and not wanting to depend on medication I am focused on eating for health and nutrition
Ironically, it is cheaper eating healthly than not. Dried beans and pulses are cheaper than fast foods, not that where I live we could get fast food. If on the rare occasions that we eat out of the 'local' chippy, the chips are cold by the time we get them home and have to be reheated in the microwave! :sick:

However, you do need to plan and prepare, something that we are fortunate enough to be able to do luckily. And you do need to have time, however my health issues mean that we, in this household, have to make that time, so it is probably a really good thing I enjoy cooking!
I eat for both, though there are times when comfort food is essential. Even though I am a vegetarian, not all food is 'healthy', because a nutritious and healthy diet needs balance. Not everything I eat is the healthiest, for example, I like a fried egg because it tastes better, but it's not as healthy as a boiled egg.

I think most people try to eat healthy meals and have the occasional cheat day or meal and that's good for the soul. Eating should make you happy and not be a chore.
That is the question! It is both, but lately I have been eating for comfort as I have been low in mood and lacking in energy and I am sure my eating habits have not helped. I know what I am supposed to eat but I don't want to:(. Eating for comfort is just so great and eating for nutrition....not so much. I simply love to eat and I know I can eat better and enjoy my meals. I do not eat beef or pork already and would eat fish everyday if I could afford it. So I am not horrible despite my increased intake of sweets lately.
I o try to ensure that I have a nutritionally balanced diet, although I eat mainly for comfort.I know I eat too much food that is high in carbohydrate, but I try to balance this with plenty of vegetables every day.

I never eat fast food or candy, and much prefer homemade meals and fruit.

I don't like eating meat so I eat nuts, beans, lentils and other sources of protein, including oily fish which provides me with omega3.
I like to eat for both nutrition and for comfort. It is a bit hard sometimes because I can eat pasta EVERY.SINGLE.MEAL.NO.PROBLEM. I try to just substitue with legumes as they are quite filling and delicious. I am lucky my boyfriend is a very good cook and can whip something up with all the fresh veggies we have.
I eat for a little of both, but been on the health side more recently. I guess you can make healthy food comforting in the way you prepare it. For instance, you can steam some cauliflower and then pour cheese sauce over it. It will taste comforting and is mostly good for you. We have been staying away from fast food and this has been the biggest benefit to our health, and wallet. We only eat out once a week now, if that.
A little bit of both for me. Luckily, my favourite foods are also quite healthy. I am not keen on anything deep fried, or too greasy and prefer tomato/chilli based dishes. I absolutely LOVE hot chilli and could eat it daily. My only real sins are pizza which I have once a week and desserts like cake or ice cream. I don't have these very often but I certainly don't deny myself either.
I love to eat healthy food not only because healthy food actually tastes good to me, but actually because I truly care about my health. Whatever I eat now determines how my body functions in the future. Unhealthy "Comfort food" may be really good at the moment, but I always think long-term.

There can actually be healthy comfort food, though. For example, a peanut butter sandwich is a pretty good healthy snack. Yummy protein bars are a good choice as well.
I try by all means to eat healthy than eat for comfort. I do have to say though, it can get a bit tough especially when you are busy most of the time....grabbing something unhealthy is a lot easier than preparing a healthy wholesome meal.
There are some healthy comfort foods out there as well so really I shouldn't have an excuse at all!
I think most people try to eat healthy meals and have the occasional cheat day or meal and that's good for the soul. Eating should make you happy and not be a chore.

Spot on!

I mostly cook relatively healthy food, I think - relatively small amounts of meat, most of my pasta dishes are tomato based with veg in, as opposed to based on cream. We get frozen oven chips, which are better than fried ones, for when we fancy an easy dinner cooked in the oven.

But sometimes, you can't beat a fry up, or a rich pudding. :chocegg:
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